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It had been two years. Two very long years without Asha and Levi wasn't taking it very well. He was still deeply heart broken and spent even more time than normal in his room, more crying than playing games.

It was storming very hard one day when a loud knock sounded at the front door, Lucifer got up to go see who it was, the house didn't get many visitors, and almost never any unexpected ones. He opened the door and found a rather tall cloaked figure.

"Hello? Can I help you?" Lucifer asked the stranger.

"Yes." The figure said, the feminine voice surprising Lucifer slightly, "I'm looking for a demon named Levi."

"Why don't you come in while I go get him?" Lucifer asked.

"I'd like that, thank you. " She responded and walked in, she was about as tall as Lucifer.

He showed her to the main room where most of the boys were and let her sit down, going to get Levi.

Beel looked at her with interest, "Who are you?"

"My name is Asha, I'm an old friend of Levi's."

Mammon's scoffs, "Levi doesn't have any friends. He's a loner."

Mammon's voice caused a soft cry to come from Asha's arms, she started to bounce whatever she was holding and shushed the thing.

"What's that you're holding?" Mammon's asked.

"Nothing." She said, holding it closer to her, remembering what Levi said about his brothers not being nice.

Lucifer knocked on Levi's door, "Levi, you have a visitor. Come out."


"It's a woman. She asked to see you, come out or I'll send her in."

"Send her in."

Lucifer sighed and walked back to the main area, "Ma'am, he doesn't want to come out, but you are more than welcome to go to him."

She nodded, "Lead me to his room please."

Lucifer did so, leaving her at his door.

"Levi... Can I come in?" She asked softly, placing her free hand agaisnt the door, which flung open within a second,


"It's me." She said, pulling the hood of her cloak down so she showed her face. Her blonde hair seemed brighter now that it wasn't wet, it was also super curly and waved around her head beautifully, she had her long hair tucked into her cloak so it didn't hang out.

He hugged her tightly, feeling the small thing between them.

"What are you holding? How do you have legs? What are you doing here? Where have you been? " Levi started hounding her with questions as he pulled her into his room and shut the door.

She smiled sadly and moved the cloak to show a small baby, "My father locked me away once he found out I was still seeing you, while in captivity I started showing and he found out I was pregnant. He disowned me and I'm no longer the queen. Having a baby out of wedlock made me unfit to be queen. I'm unfit to marry any Nereid, but I don't want any of them, I want you. I've missed you so much."

Levi made her sit down on the box next to his bathtub bed and fell to his knees, becoming level with the baby, "We have a baby..." He said softly, reaching out with a shakey hand to touch the fragile thing.

The baby's eyes were closed and she was curled towards her mother, but the blonde hair held a stark resemblance to her mom. Levi wondered if she would look like him when she shifted to be a demon.

"Yes, you have a baby girl." She said gently petting his hair with one hand. He smiled and kissed the baby's head before kissing Asha gently,

"I missed you so much... I was so worried when you stopped showing up."

"I'm here now, and actually can I stay with you? I can't return home."

He nodded and kissed her again, "You can stay with me, but you'll have to get used to my brothers, they're not always the nicest, but we're there for each other. Hopefully they'll like you."

She nodded, "I hope they're not as mean as you say."

Levi nodded

"You look different like this. A lot softer. It's cute." She said, tucking his hair behind his ear. He blushed brightly, remembering that she had never seen him outside his demon form, and hid his face in her lap near the baby.

"What's her name?" He asks



"It means to respect. Or to fear. She will be a very powerful demon."

Levi smiles, "It's beautiful."

He looked at her, "How do you have legs now?"

"My father banished me from the river and by doing so he took away my tail..."

Levi frowned and kissed her forehead, "We're together again. We'll make our own family. Do you have any clothes or do you want to wear mine until we can get you some."

"I'd like to borrow some. I don't have anything except this cloak."

Levi nodded and got up, going to get some clothes for her. He got her one of his shirts and a pair of pants.

She took them and laid Verena down in order to change. Levi scooped down to hold her. She smiled, her eyes open now. One eye was deep blue like Asha's and the other was orange like Levi's. She reached up with a small hand and  patted his cheek. He smiled and cooed at her. She looked a lot like him, but also had quite a bit of Asha in her.

Asha smiled and looked at herself in the mirror, "I don't look too bad. I think I like it."

Levi looked at her and blushed brightly, "You...look really good..." She smiled and sat next to him.

"Wanna go introduce me to your brothers?"

He sighed, "Not really, but yeah. You'll meet them eventually."

He stood up and compared his height to hers, realizing that he underestimated her height when he fist saw her. She was probably a good 6'4.

"Wow, you're really tall."

"Yeah, I've noticed that you're a bit shorter then I thought you were."

Levi blushed and hid his face, "Do you think she'll be tall like you?"

She smiled and leaned down to kiss his head, "I hope she resembles you."

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