"M-Mom?" I said walking towards her dropping my stuff on the floor. I turned to my friends. "She c-can't be dead. She can't. Right?" I said with tears coming out of my eyes. "Somebody call the ambulance and 911. NOW!!" I said screaming at them. They all grabbed their phones and started dialing the ambulance and the police.
I walked over to my mom holding her head and rocking her. I didn't care how much blood was on my and didn't care if I sat down in a big pull of blood. All I cared about was that my mom was not dead. A few hours later the ambulance came and mike (the police officer of my dad's friend) came. Seoul-A told me to change my clothes into something to get out of the blood. I changed into some random clothes that didn't match at all.
After a few hours mike came back inside the house. "We got a pulse on your mom.." said mike with a smile on his face but then it faded away. "But she was already gone before we got it. I'm sorry Han Na, but..she's gone." and at that moment I couldn't see properly because of all the tears building up in my eyes. "W-Where is m-my d-dad?" I asked mike. He said that he tried to call him but he wasn't answering and that I'm their room all of his stuff were gone.
I broked down even more because my dad just left me and I don't even know where he is. "I don't have a place anymore. I can't stay here either.." I said looking at my friends who were all hugging me and comforting me. "Maybe you can stay at my place. If you want." said Seoul-A. I thought if that as a good idea but at the same time I didn't. "I'll think about it I just need some water." I said heading over to the kitchen.
I went to the kitchen counter to get a cup. When I closed the cabinet I saw something flashing red near a jar. I moved the jar out of the way and quickly covered my face. Jae Bin saw me and came over to me. "What's wrong noona?" he said looking at me. "Cover your face there's a camera behind the jar. Ahjussi..I just found a camera over here." I said covering my face and walking away with Jae Bin.
"Quickly come over here and step outside the house ok." mike said moving his hands in a way telling me and them to get outside the house. "We can't stay at your place or anyone else's. They might track us down." I said rubbing my eyes since it was almost late. "Mike can we take a walk to the store please? I need to eat and you guys can keep working we'll be back soon I promise." I said walking towards him. "Ok sure. But here. You guys take this ok. Just if you get hurt ok." said mike handing all of us tasers.
We walked together to the store and got some food and stays inside for a bit. "We're are you gonna stay at Han Na?" asked So Jun eating some instant noodles. "I don't know but I can't go to any of your house and I don't think you guys can go back either." I said eating turtle chips. "But what about our parents? What happens to them?" asked Jeong Seok looking worried. "I don't know but I'm pretty sure mike wouldn't let anything happen to your guys parents." I said both hugging and rubbing their backs.
"Let's just get back before mike starts to worry. It's late. I don't know if we go to school or not go to school." I said while we were cleaning up our stuff. We thanked the man and started walking back to my house. When we were walking back I heard footsteps behind us and looked like they also heard it too. "Did you guys hear that?" I whispered in a voice were the person couldn't hear us. They all nodded their heads and I gestured them into slowing taking out their tasers.
We kept walking and walking that was not heading to our home since we didn't want the guy behind us to follow us. He kept speeding up to us so we speed up too. We got stopped from the red hand because the car was coming. At that time I got to see a man in all black following us. I kept looking at him just to make sure he wasn't doing anything but secretly. Then I notice he pulled something out of his jacket. I couldn't see so I moved my head a little closer until I saw it completely and then turned my head to the guys. "G-Guys.." I whispered to where they can hear me. "You know how i said the guy behind us is following us, right?" I said getting my taser ready. They saw me getting it ready so they got theirs ready. "Yeah..what's the problem now?" ask Seoul-A whispering back to me. "He has a GUN!" I said whispered yelling to them. I thought the guy couldn't hear us but when I was done talking the man got his gun and start walking towards us.
We had no choice but to run as fast as we could. We were running together so we wouldn't get lost. We tried to loose him but he was to fast. We ran into a alleyway but it was a dead end. We tried to go back but the guy was already there. I was about to yell for help which was stupid of me because what the guy said next was "If you scream I'll shoot you just like I shot your mom." When I heard what the guy said I totally lost it. I was trying really hard not to do anything because I didn't want to in danger my friends.
Seoul-A saw me and helped me calm down but not all calmed down since there was a guy about to kill us. He told us to get in the van behind me and stay quiet. We all looked at each other and agreed. He walked to us which scared us but he put his hand out. "Give me your tasers." said the guy we threw the tasers in the ground to his feet so he could get them.
We slowly walked to the van since the guy had the gun behind our heads. When we were walking I saw a guy in the van moving his hand like telling us to duck on the count of three. I didn't know I could trust him but I did. I looked over at the guys and told them to look at the guy inside of the van. They looked at me with a face saying '𝘊𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮?' but I nodded telling them yes. When we got there he started counting down. 3......2......1......NOW! We ducked as the man got shot right in the face and fell back. We covered our ears as some more gunshots went off and men screaming in pain.
After it was done we unplugged our ears and looked around. We saw seven mans with guns around us. "W-What do y-you want f-from u-us?" Seoul-A asked holding my hand. Jae Bin and So Jun got in front of us blocking our way and making us scoot back away from the seven guys. "I'm sorry. We didn't mean to scare you." said one of the guys. I went in front of the guys to turn them around. "When I count down from three we're gonna run ok." I said with shaking in my voice. They looked at me with concern. They didn't care right now so they all shook their heads. We turned around to see the guys still staring at us. I started counting down. "3.....2......1......GO!" I said. Then we all ran in opposite directions. Seoul-A tried to get past to guys from the back but they caught her. So Jun tried to run around the van but he also got caught which Jae Bin got mad and tried to get the other man but also got caught. Then Jeong Seok got captured trying to get Seoul-A.
I was the only one he hadn't got caught yet. They guys were yelling at me telling me to run away but I couldn't. Seeing my friends getting captured because of me.
I did this.
I need to fix this.
Then it happened.
I kicked one of the guys in the leg and grabbed his arm which I twisted and pushed him to the ground. I ran over to Seoul-A and kicked the man in his back which he let go of Seoul-A and she pushed him against the wall. Then So Jun got freed by hitting the guy in his head and kicked him in his stomach. Then he got Jeong Seok and Jae Bin. We all got together in a fighting position we're the guys we're slowing getting up.
"Wait.." said one of they guys. "We we're trying to help you." said the same guy. "How can we trust you?" I said looking at all of them. "We are a mafia team. We were trying to get you safe." he said wiping his mouth since he had a cut.
I slowly put my hands down and so did the rest of us. "Han Na." said one of the guys. I got a little scared because how on earth could someone I don't know know my name. "How do you know my name?" I said walking a little bit forward to the guy. "I know your name because I just went through your guys background.
"Hmm. Ok. So what do we do now?" said Jae Bin. I looked at the rest of the guys and gave them all hugs. "I'll try to find a place tonight or at a hotel. You guys should maybe go home or find somewhere else too." I said letting go of them. I looked back at the seven men and they seemed to be chatting about something.
"You guys can't go back." said the guy on the right. "You have to stay with us at our house." said the same guy.
Then at that moment I passed out on the floor.

The Mafia Leader is my Missing Brother
FanfictionHer brother was always there for her through hard times. When she once found out her brother got kidnapped. Will she be able to find her brother? Will she be able to take on that he is a mafia leader?