It was july 20th, a bright day as the young male named Hans walked towards the recruiter for the luftwaffe. Hans was 25 and 6 foot flat, he had short blonde hair but a green right eye and a blue left one which caused the recruiter to stare at him in slight amazement then he looked down and stamped his paper after asking him the routine questions and then handed it back to him; "welcome to the luftwaffe, sieg heil". The tall male heiled and smiled at the man before heading towards the bus to get on and went off towards his new base, it was a long ride and Hans decided to take a short nap until they got there. He woke up at the stop feeling well rested and he got off the bus giving a heil to the driver and he stepped off, the sound of drills and guns rang and Hans was met by his new leader. He was a tall blonde Aerien man and he shook Hans' hand. "Welcome to the Luftwaffe pup, i am Fredrik Belke. The name may sound familiar because i am the descendant of the german fighter ace Oswald Belke, you are in good hands my friend, now lets see how you handle the basics of a plane and then you will be in simulated air combat i wish you luck" Fredrik Heiled and was off
Crying skies
Historical FictionThis story follows a german fighter pilot as he battle in the skies of the eastern front a and fights for the glory of what he thinks is right