Chapter 3 😳

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So most of us in life will have a sexual dream in life and I haven't had one in years and last night ummmm let's just say that changed. So basically I was a photographer and umm all my celeb crushes were posing naked together and I mean honestly idek what this dream was supposed to be it looked like an orgy of men but this dream is not what I'm writing about today cause it's pornography essentially, so moving on. Yesterday I said I lucid dream a lot so let's get into some of the dreams that I could somewhat control. So I used to watch agents of shield a while ago and a lot of my dreams for some reason took place on the flying base so yeah, but basically I was married to the bachelor not the terrible one they have now one of the attractive ones and I was also a superhero??? Just to clarify I was like 10 but I mean of course I had to be a bad bitch and be stronger than everyone there so continuing on this dream was like on crack for some reason everything would be interrupted by me doing a dance break- (the visual that just popped in my head made me laugh) so as you can see I really craved attention which I mean what's new 💅🏻so let's get into the juicy parts. So in this reality I had all the stuff I said was going on but I still went to school so this took place at my old school and this demon giant busted in and of course me being a baddie I had to do my stuff-so I'm gonna warn you now this is something else... so me and my friend start floating on this chunk of land that lifted from the ground and then we dead ass went into outfits that were just a lot of sequins and we did a full jazz performance to defeat this guy like music, choreography, singing all of it. So surprisingly that worked and we saved the day but then my dream cuts off and goes to me in labor ( every time I swear I stay getting pregnant somehow some way like at this point dream me has like 2000 kids) and I'm flying this jet,which keep in mind I can't drive, so I start crashing on the way to the hospital so I'm on a time crunch to give birth, evacuate, and survive this. So I go to the back and push out my baby while vertical, open the hatch, jump out ,and land on the ground safely. So hope you found that....chaotic? This isn't as long as normal cause I wasn't planning on writing so I'll see u guys soon byyyeeee.

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