cHaPtEr 1

755 9 2

Still running.
Wait. Am I falling?
I look up and see a man with a axe.
I panicked. But, before I could move...I felt a sharp pain back at my skull and I'm out.
I woke up with a gasp of pain. I look around to see if the man was gone. But, it was hard to move.I heard a bunch of voices but they were muffled. The only thing I heard was...
"Zak?..." I said.
'did....hear?....thing? " said a voice.
"N..." Said another voice.
Then I could move abit. I got up weakly and began walking but grabbing the trees to help me.
I see them.
I felt a shock of energy run through me and I felt more awake. I heard this...annoying noise. "Shut it off" I whine. The guys seemed to freak out.
"Who are you?" One asked. He had glasses and black hair with dark jeans and a black coat.
You sigh.
"My name is zak! This is aaron. Billy, and jay
" can you show yourself? " zak asked.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Show yourself!" He said.
I began to get a bit scared that he raised his voice "will you hurt me?" I asked.
But one said"hurt me?! " he seemed freaked out.
My energy was draining quicker. A grab a guy who was bald. Just trying to keep my balance "my head hurts" I groan.
"Head hurts? How did you die?" The bald asked " it's so cold... "
The others touched me. "Stop touching" I began to giggle "it tickles!"
The guys pulled their hands away.
"How did you die?" The bald guy asks again.I think that's Aaron
"Die?" I question.
" do you not know your dead? " zak ask.
The memories come flooding back. "Axe. " I said
" this is the longest conversation we have had with a spirit" ask said.
I felt another person. I look around and see a black fog.
"Hello" said the fog.
"That's a guy!" I think...Billy said.
I then saw HIM. "Run!" I said.
Then. My death scene played again.
I screamed this time.
But...I lived... just in pain.
"It hurts!" I yell holding my head.
The black mist was gone.
I just sobbed in critical pain.
The guys began looking everywhere.
Panicked I could tell.
"Are you living in pain!?" Ask asked.
" It. Hurts. So...much... " that's all I was able to get out until I blacked out.


Anyways sorry it's short but chapter two still come out soon :3

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕣𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now