Chapter 10

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     SURPRISE!!! I know I said that I was done with the story, but I changed my mind, and I'm going to upload again. I'm dedicating this chapter to 22BluE_UniCorN22  because she said that she really liked my story and told me that I needed to keep writing it. The song Change Your Life has nothing to do with the story, but I love Little Mix. Deal with it. ZERRIE FOREVER. I LOVE JESY. Woah, where did that come from?So this is Chapter 10.


Caroline's POV:

"So, who's living with who?" Alaina asks.

"Obviously, Louis can't live with Steph" I say and everybody agrees on that.

"Who wants to live with me and Steph?!!" Patience shouts.

"NOT IT!!!!" the boys all shout at the exact same time.

"Steph brings home Nando's every night," Patience says. One second later, Niall screams, "I'LL LIVE WITH YOU!!!!!!"

"I'll live with you guys" Zayn says quietly, pointing at Rachel.

"I don't want to live with Steph!" Harry says. "Me either!" Liam joins in Harry's protests.

(A/N:If you didn't get it, Louis is going to live with Caroline, Alaina, and Rachel, so Liam and Hazza have to stay with Steph and Patience)

"Zayn called it," are the first words to leave my mouth after Liam says his piece in the argument. I just really want Zayn to live with me, ya know?

"There's no point in arguing, lads. What's said is done," Liam states reasonably.

"I thought it was, 'What's done is done'" Harry says to Liam.

"Yeah, well......whatever. I'm gonna go pack. The rest of you might want to do the same," Liam says with a small smile on his face. The rest of the boys follow suit, and so do Alaina and Rachel. I just stay where I am and stare at Zayn's butt like a creeper. Then I notice that Patience is still in the room, lounging on a couch.

"You didn't see anything!" I whisper in an angry tone.

"Maybe I did see something, maybe I didn't. It depends."

"On what?" I ask, suspicious.

"On what you can do for me," Patience says. Is she trying to blackmail me?! Eehhh, she's been doing that for 17 years, why would she stop now?

"What if I don't want to do it?"

"I'll tell everyone that you're a 48 year old pedo that likes to sleep naked, and I'll also tell Zayn that you were staring at his butt and enjoying it." Patience says triumphantly. The last thing wasn't really untrue, but the first thing is, and I don't want people to hear it, so I agree to do what Patience wants me to do.

Patience's POV:

"Find out if Harry likes me. And if he does like me, set him up on a date with me." I say.

"Do I have to?" Caroline says in a whiny tone.

"You agreed to it."

"Fine." and with that, she finally leaves the room.

    "We're ready to go!" Harry, Niall, and Liam say cheerfully.

    "I'm making a sandwich!" Niall screams at the top of his lungs.

    "Hurry up! By the way, does anybody have any cash on them? I'm hungry and I don't think I stole enough money from Steph to pay for a cab and food!" I say.

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