6) Getting Out

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Graser's POV

I am on my phone tweeting some random shit when everyone comes in, we all just talk and chill waiting for Cris to wake up from her nap. When we were all talking I started to hear some sobs, I look directly at Cris and she's sobbing in her sleep. Her sobs get louder, and she has started to thrash around the bed. I shake her lightly to try and wake her, but she starts to thrash more violently and everyone is looking at her with worried eyes. I literally get on the bed and I shake her very hard to wake her.

When she finally woke up she imedientlly hugs me, she just sobs on my shoulder. After a little but of her crying on my shoulder she pulls away from the hug wipe her tears away, then she looked around the room and saw everyone quietly staring. Mac is the first one to saying anything or even move, she slowly walked to Cris and asked,

"Was it that dream again?" Cris doesn't say a thing she just nods. Then Mac hugs her very tightly.

I wonder what dream, Mac was talking about.

"You can tell them Mac, but not with me in the room, please." Mac nodded her head 'okay'.

After a little more of chatting with Cris we all leave the room to hear about Cris' dream.

"Yesterday I was here, when Graser wasn't, she was taking a nap, when like what happened here, she was thrashing and sobbing in her sleep. I was finally able to shake her awake and I asked her what was wrong and she told me she had a dream where, she was on a hospital bed cuts all over her arms and legs, and a few on her throat. Then everything went black, the next thing see says she saw was her body being prepared for bairel, then see was suddenly at her funeral, where-" her voice cracked. "where, Graser, you called her an attention seeking whore and that didn't love her." After she said that, I was having a heartache. There is a few chairs in the hallway and I sit on one of them staring off into nothing.

I am brought back to reality by someone putting a hand on my shoulder, I see how did it, it was TYBZI. I see in his eyes empathy and compassion.

"Hey, guys. Do y'all know what time she's able to leave?" I ask everyone. Everyone goes 'no'.

I get up and I start my way to the front desk. But before I get to the front desk I ran into the Doctor taking care of Cris,

"Dr. Pepper? I am just wondering what time she can leave." She looks at her clipboard.

"Crystal can go home now, she is pretty stable."

"Thank you!" I yell behind me as I'm running back to Cris' room.

Everyone is inside the room. I walk inside and everyone is just talking. Out of breath I say,

"She can go home now, like at this moment." I fall onto the couch that was next to me.

:- time skip -:

We finally got her out and Cris and I are on our way to my house.

We get out of the car and walk to the front door. We both go in and I close the door. I turn around to see her looking almost staring at me, I give her a smirk. I push her against the wall and I passionately make out with her, at first she was confused then she started to kiss back. When we stopped for air she was hardcore blushing.

I grabbed her hand,

"Remember what we almost did at the hospital, wanna do it now?" She somehow blushes even deeper and she nods her head.


Sup, idk and idc.

There's going to be smut in the next chap, you don't have to read it.

Now off to go write smut for other story.


-This is awkward Marie.

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