This is the ninth season of my fanfiction of The Walking Dead. Last season Rick murdered Chrissy as Dwight betrayed Lilly and Lilly and Kim grieved and Lilly exacted revenge as she killed Rick and killed all of the Alexandrians and saved Negan. This...
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Negan walks towards a group of Saviours outside the Sanctuary and Negan says "We're running low on supplies. So we gotta get to Hilltop and steal their supplies" and The Saviours look to each other and Negan notices their suspicious behaviour and shrugs his shoulders and asks "Well what?" A Male Saviour says "Their dead" Negan asks in shock "There what?" The Saviour replies "Yeah they are all dead" Negan scoffs in disbelief and asks "How? What happened?" The Saviour awkwardly looks to The other Saviours and Negan snaps "I asked you a question Dickhead!" The Saviour says "Lilly killed them all. The night we killed Rick and took down Alexandria she split up the group and a quarter of us went to Hilltop and we killed them all and burned it down" and Negan looks in shock and he mutters "Shit!". Jason looks around as hes standing with Sally and he acknowledges Negan and his eyes widen and he shouts "PAPA!" Negan turns around and he smiles at Jason as Jason runs to Negan and Jason runs into Negan's arms. Jason says "I missed you" and Negan smiles down at Jason and says "I missed you too Kiddo. Look at you! You grew" Jason nods and he says "Come on play" and Negan smiles and says "I cant right now Buddy but I'll come get you later okay?" Jason nods.
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Troy is inside his and Lilly's bedroom and he is putting on his jeans and he picks up a clean top when the door opens and a woman is standing at the doorway and her jaw slightly drops as she looks at Troy with amazement and lust and Troy puts on his white top and asks "Who are you?" The woman clears her throat and says "You dont remember me? I'm Anna, you rescued me along with the others" and Troy nods and says "Oh right, but a little word of warning never just barge in here without knocking. You're lucky Lilly isnt here" and Anna smirks and says "Yeah Lilly seems a hardass" and Troy says "You do know Lilly is My Wife?" Anna nods and says "Yeah it's a shame though, you deserve a woman" and she smirks seductively and walks off leaving Troy confused.
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Lilly is in Jason's bedroom cleaning his bedroom as Ethan is sitting on the floor playing with his plastic blocks and he is talking "Mama! Dada!" Lilly looks at Ethan and smiles at her toddler Son. Lilly approaches the bed and fluffls up the pillows but she feels something hard under his pillow curious Lilly lifts his pillow to look down to see a black handgun and Lilly looks down in shock as she picks up the gun and she looks to the side as Ethan is sucking his thumb and looking at her.
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Lilly is standing on the platform smoking a cigarette when Kim approaches her and asks "Hey Sis, you spoke to Negan yet?" Lilly shakes her head "Nah why?" Kim says "I just passed him in the hall he was looking for ya, looked pissed off" Lilly inhales the cigarette smoke and exhales the smoke and says "I'll handle my psychotic Father later" and Kim asks "You okay? You look like you got the world on your shoulders" Lilly glances to Kim and says "I was cleaning Jason's room earlier and I found a gun" Kim asks "A gun? Why does he have that?" Lilly says angrily "That's what I wanna know! Some shithead has given My 14 year old Son a weapon!" Kim asks "What are ya gonna do?" Lilly sighs and says "I want you to ask around and find out who gave the gun to Jason but keep it on the down low and when I found out who it was there dead..I'll use the gun on them" and Kim nods. Kim looks ahead and sees a bald headed woman standing in front of a large group of walkers and she nudges Lilly and asks "What the hell is this?" Lilly looks ahead and looks to Kim as she throws away her cigarette. Lilly and Kim approach the gate and Lilly says "Can I help you?" The woman says "This is my territory, I'd like you and your people to leave" and Lilly and Kim laugh and Lilly says "My people and me sing doing shit. You'rein my territory so you best leave while you still can" Tge woman smiles and says "Let's start I'm Alpha and my group is The Whisperers and you are?" Lilly replies and says "I'm Lilly and my group is The Saviours" and Alpha says "I like you, you have a certain badasserry about you that's very rare. But I'm not one to cross Sweetheart, My camp is in the woods I think you should meet me to discuss terms tomorrow night at midnight. Come alone" and Alpha walks off and her group follows her and Lilly looks to Kim and Kim wraps her arm around Lilly's shoulders and says "Weird Broad" and Lilly raises her eyebrows. Lilly says "I want a meeting, everyone alright spread the word" and Kim nods and says "Yeah, you got it Sis" and Kim walks off and Lilly stares at Alpha who is walking away.