This is the ninth season of my fanfiction of The Walking Dead. Last season Rick murdered Chrissy as Dwight betrayed Lilly and Lilly and Kim grieved and Lilly exacted revenge as she killed Rick and killed all of the Alexandrians and saved Negan. This...
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Lilly is kneeling on the floor with Ethan's small corpse laying over her and she cradles her dead Son in her arms. Lilly cries uncontrollably "I'm so sorry Baby, Mommy's sorry" The Whisperer chuckles and she says "I'm disappointed Lilly, you portray yourself to be this badass leader warrior but look at you, your a wreck, your weak" Lilly stops crying and she glares up at The Whisperers and she stands up picking up Troy's hunting knife in the process and slashes the other Whisperers throat and stabs him in the eye and The Whisperer screams out in pain. The Whisperer who killed Ethan looks at Lilly with a certain fear in her eyes and Lilly who has blood splattered on her chest and face rams The Whisperer to the wall and Lilly holds the knife to The Whisperers neck and says "You think you can come into My Sanctuary and shoot My Husband! And kill My 3 year old Son! I dont give a shit who Alpha is or how powerful or dangerous she is I'm gonna take her down and I don't give a shit how big her army is I'm gonna kill your powerful leader" The Whisperer pleasingly says "Please Lilly I know you don't know me but I never meant to harm your Family but Alpha she makes orders and we have to follow them or our lives are at stake" Lilly nods with tear stained cheeks and says "I don't give a shit about your life! All I know is My Sons was taken from him! Theres three things you should know, number one I'm going to war with Alpha and your little Skin Freak group I'm gonna kill every fucking Whisperer, number fucking two I'm more dangerous than your Queen Alpha could ever be! Number three I'm gonna kill you!" Lilly stabs The Whisperer in the face at her cheek and viciously continues to stab the female Whisperer and The Whisperer screams in pain and Lilly says "This is what he felt" and Lilly slashes The Whisperer's throat. The Whisperer falls to the floor clutching her throat which is oozing out blood and she stops breathing and Lilly looks down at the blood on her hands and drops the knife. Lilly rushes to Troy who's breathing is slowing and she taps his cheek and says "Baby it's me, you gotta stay awake" Troy mutters "Ethan?" Troy reaches up and touches Lilly's cheek which has blood splatter across it. Lilly glances to Ethan who is laying dead and Lilly sniffles and says "We gotta get you to the infirmary". Negan barges in the room followed by a few Saviours and Negan's eyes widen as he looks at the scene with three dead Whisperers and Ethan who is laying dead and Troy laying on the ground bleeding out with Lilly holding his hand Lillu looks at her Father and says "He's dying! Get Carson!" Negan rushes to Ethan and Negan's jaw clenches and his eyes fill up with tears.
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In Kim's room Jason and Sally are sitting on the couch as Christopher is laying asleep in his cot and Kim looks down at her sleeping Son and Lucy and Jacob are sitting playing on the floor. Sally asks "Do you think Lilly will be okay?" Jason looks to Sally and says "Mom will be okay, nothing can hurt her" Sally nods sadly which Kim notices as she looks back at the teenages. Kim approaches them and Sally asks "Kim are we in danger?" Kim crouched down before Jason and Sally reaching their level and Kim says "I want you both to listen to me okay. Your Mom isn't hurt, she is a fighter and she would never let anything bad happen to our Family, not you two or Ethan or Lucy and Jake or Christopher okay so don't stop worrying. Lilly will be coming through that door anytime okay" Sally and Jason nods and Jason asks "You think so Auntie Kim?" Kim smiles softly at Jason as she rubs his arm and says "I know so" and Kim stands up and leans down and kisses Jason and Sally's head.
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Two Saviours lift Troy up to the bed in the infirmary as Lilly and Negan look on and Dr. Carson rips open Troy's shirt. Negan asks "Can you save him?" Dr. Carson touches the bullet wound on his chest and he grimaces "I'm going to try but it doesn't seem likely" Lilly's eyes widen and she asks "What?!" Dr. Carson says "Where the bullet is, its complicated" and Lilly grabs Dr. Carsons shirt and snaps "Well uncomplicate it! Your a Doctor so do your job and save him! Instead of touching his wound fix the wound! You better save his life cause your life depends on it! If Troy dies then so do you!" Lilly releases her right grip on Dr. Carson and she walks towards Troy and touches his cheek and whispers "I love you, you have to be strong Baby okay. I need to go for five minutes to check on the kids but I'll be back" and Lilly looks to The Saviours and directly orders "Dont leave Troy's side" as she walks out of The Infirmary with Negan looking at her with sadness.
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Lilly bursts into Kim's room but she has wipes all the blood from her face, hands and chest and is wearing clean clothes that isn't blood stained. Lilly looks around and everyone looks at Lilly and Kim rushes to Lilly and envelopes her into a hug and Lilly frantically asks "Anyone hurt?" Kim shakes her head and says "Nah Negan and me kept them safe" Lilly nods and Jason runs to Lilly and he says "Mom!" Jason wraps his arms around Lilly and she sniffles as she kisses his head and Jason says "I'm so sorry for treating you like that" and Lilly cups Jason's face and says "None of that matters now Baby". Lilly looks to her twin children and she lifts Jacob and kisses his cheek and Sally says "Is everything okay Lilly" Lilly smiles unconvincingly and says "Yeah Darlin everything will be fine". Kim approaches Lilly and asks "Wheres Ethan and Troy and Negan?" Lilly looks down at Christopher and whispers "They killed Ethan" Kim asks as tears begin to form in her eyes "What? What do ya mean?" Lilly says "They slashed Ethan's throat and shot Troy. Troy's in the infirmary now, my Dads with him" Kim stands back in shock.