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It's been about five months since we found out about Genesis. She seems to love it here and we all love her too. She's a literal part of this family and she's such a blessing.

Allison has gotten so used to it and she loves Genesis. She's like her own daughter. I couldn't be more happy that Montana brought her here. She has changed my life completely in such a good way.

"I wove pwanes," Genesis says as we wait in line to get on our plane. We are starting tour tomorrow. Our first stop is in Ohio and we are very excited. We never go to Ohio, so I'm excited to see what's there. (a/n: lol absolutely NOTHING is in ohio...moving on)

Allison is kinda nervous though because we have to keep everything hidden with the baby still. It's going to be hard keeping her out of the public eye since she has a pretty big bump. I think it's the cutest thing ever, but she's always hiding it with baggy sweatshirts and shit.

We did find out the gender of the baby though. Maggie planned our gender reveal party with the help of Haley. It was absolutely beautiful.


"Can you put this on the table outside?" Maggie asks as she hands me a bowl of fruit.

"Sure," I say. I walk outside and I put the bowl of fruit on the table. I look around the yard to see so many decorations and so much food. They really did put a lot of time into this whole thing and I appreciate it so much.

"Dada!" I hear behind me. I turn around to see Genesis in Allison's arms.

"What did I say about holding her?" I say while grabbing Genesis out of Allison's arms. Allison is too pregnant to be carrying around Genesis like that.

"Oh, I'm fine," Allison says.

"Whatever," I say. "So is everything all set up and ready?"

"I believe so," she says. "Maggie said we are doing the reveal first and then eating."

"I'm okay with that. I'm getting so impatient. I just want to know."

She laughs, "Me too, baby."

I look at Genesis, "Are you excited to find out if you are having a baby brother or sister?"


I laugh, "Yes, we are having a baby soon."

"It has to be a girl."

"What if it's not?" Allison asks her.

"Then I be sad."

"You'll love them either way," I say.

The back door opens and the boys walk out with some more food. I swear she has enough food to feed a whole city.

"Maggie is insane," Edwin says.

"Why?" I ask. I put Genesis down and she runs to Zion. She starts to talk to him and I start to walk with the boys to the tables.

"Because she's bossy," Brandon says. "And being very mean right now."

"She is just stressed," I say. "Because apparently everything has to be perfect."

"She's crazy," Nick says.

I laugh, "People are going to be here soon, so she's probably going to flip."

"She'll have a panic attack in a bit," Brandon says.

"Brandon!" We hear from inside. We all start laughing.

"Wish me luck," he rolls his eyes and starts to walk back to the house, "I might die!"

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