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"Who do you want to sleep with first?" Allison asks Genesis as we start to unpack some things onto the bus.

"Momma," she says.

"Okay," Allison says.

Genesis has to pick who she sleeps with because the bunks aren't big enough for all three of us. Usually the three of us sleep together, but we have to change that now.

I don't think it's a good idea for Genesis to sleep with Allison at all since she is so pregnant. She is already seven months along and there isn't enough room for the two of them.

"Maybe you should just sleep with dad," I say.

"But I want to sleep with ma."

I smile, "But mommy is already sleeping with a baby, so she can't sleep with two of you."

Genesis puts her lip out and crosses her arms. Here she is again. Throwing a tantrum. "Fine. I'll swweep with dada."

"Thank you," I say.

Genesis runs off to the front of the bus and I chuckle. That girl is always trying to pick fights with me.

"She would be fine with me," Allison says as she folds some clothes.

"I don't want to risk anything," I say. "She will be just fine with me. You take care of baby boy."

"I am," she says.

"Yo, Austin! We are going to check out the venue. Do you guys want to come?" I hear Nick yell from the front of the bus.

"We will come," I say back.

Allison grabs a big hoodie as I put my shoes on. I wish she didn't have to hide her bump. It's so cute. It sucks too because it's so hot out. I know she doesn't want to be in hoodies, but she has to if we want to keep it a secret.

"Let's go," she says.

We walk out to the front of the bus to see everyone standing around talking. Genesis is of course in Nick's arms. I swear he spoils her too much and he never tells her no. That man is a sucker for her. I told Haley that they need to have a baby now and she shot that down really fast.

"Nick," I say. "She has legs."

He glares at me, "I don't care. A princess should never have to walk."

"What the hell about me?" Haley asks.

"You are my queen," he says. "There is a difference there."

"Ah, okay," Haley says.

Brandon shakes his head, "Lets just go already."

All of us walk off of the bus. Allison stands in the middle of us, so it's not so easy for anyone to see her. We try to take as many precautions as we can.

"So what do you guys think the venue will be like?" Edwin asks.

"Big!" Genesis yells.

We all start laughing, "I think it'll be big too," Zion says. "Bigger than our house."

"Bigger than eight houses," Genesis yells.

Everyone starts laughing at her and we walk into the venue. Usually we park right outside the venues, so the walks aren't bad at all.

"Woah," Genesis says. "It's super big."

"There are bigger ones," Nick says. "Wait until we go to the ones in Texas or Canada. They are giant."

"Giants are scwary."

"These giants are good," Nick says to her. "The good giants won't hurt you."

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