Candle Colors

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During rituals, different colour candles can be used to represent, attract and emit different energies.

White candles are good for consecration, meditation, healing, searching for truth, peace, spiritual strength and enlightenment. They are used in rituals using moon energy and symbolize purity, protection and joy. It can also be used as a substitute for any other colour. White candles represent the male God and amplify Cancer energy.

Black candles are very powerful and protective. They are used to uncover secrets, for meditation - finding the light in the dark - and for stabilization or awaking greater responsibility. In conjunction with a white candle, they can be used to banish or absorb unwanted energies. Black candles represent the female Goddess and attract Saturn energy.

Red candles symbolize spirits of the south and the element fire. They bring strength, courage, power, passion, health, energy, vitality, love, fertility and willpower. They attract Aries and Gemini energy.

Orange candles are used for creativity, attraction, stimulationg energies, legal matters, success, new home, intelligence, self control and mental clarity. They charge and re-charge intellect and amplify the effect of other candles. Orange candles attract Mercury and Solar energy.

Yellow candles represent spirits of the east and the element earth. They symbolize magic, confidence, attraction, wisdom, imagination, psychic and mental powers, activity, creativity and unity. They aid with concentration and imagination during rituals and are used when other people are to be convinced of something. Yellow candles attract Solar, Leo and Gemini energy.

Light green candles attract love, social pleasure and fertility and are used in Venus rituals.

Dark green candles are used for beauty, fertility, healing, succes, luck, prosperity, matters of the heart and money and are another symbol of the male God. They bring ambition and ward off greed and envy. Green candles attract Taurus energy.

Light blue is a spiritual colour and these candles aid in reverent and inspiring meditation. They bring peace and calm and emit Aquarius energy.

Blue candles represent spirits of the west and the element water. They bring wisdom, peace, healing, calm, truth, protection during sleep, prophetic dreams and loyalty. Blue candles attract Jupiter energy.

Dark blue candles stand for loyalty and strengthen joy and amusement. They attract Sagittarius energy.

Indigo is the colour of inertia and used in rituals it stops the intentions of people. They bring deep meditation and attract Saturn energy.

Violet candles symbolize psychic abilities, wisdom, spirituality, success, independence, spiritual grwoth, healing and the female Goddess. They secure ambitions and financial rewards, and attract Neptune energy.

Pink candles bring romance, friendship, attraction, love, honour and trust.

Magenta is the combination of red and violet and vibrates on a higher frequency. These candles are used in rituals, in which immediate action or high levels of energy and spiritual healing are needed.

Brown candles symbolize spirits of the north and the element earth. They are used for animal magic and for home protection or invocating sun gods in rituals. They eliminate indecision and strengthen concentration, learning and telepathy. Brown candles aid with financial success and finding lost objects. They attract Capricorn energy.

Grey candles are neutral and help with reflecting complex problems in meditation. They neutralize negative energy and attract Virgo energy.

Gold candles support understanding and are used in rituals brining quick luck or money. They are also used in communication and to honour sun gods. They bring Solar and Leo energy.

Silver candles eliminate negativity, support stability and help with the development of psychic abilities. They bring protection, honour the Goddess and help with telepathy and divination. Silver candles attract Gemini energy.

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