Chapter 3

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Zayn's POV

On the plane ride, Kat fell asleep leaning on my shoulder. I smiled as I wiped the little bit of drool coming out of her mouth.

"Ewww!" Louis screamed.

"Shut up, you ninny! You might wake her up!" Liam said.

"Nah, you're fine. She's a really deep sleeper. Whenever she would come over she would always be a real pain to wake up," I said. I remember that one time in grade seven when she first slept over and I thought she died because I couldn't wake her up. I started crying and rocking. Eventually, she woke-up and comforted me, telling me that she sometimes had trouble sleeping and other times she would sleep too much. Insomnia, she said. I hope she still doesn't have that. 

She starts to shake and whimper, face scrunched up. She starts to mumble something inaudible. I rub my cheek on her head whispering, "Shh. It's okay. Nothing's going to hurt you. I got you. Shh." This seems to work, because she relaxes again and snuggle more into my arm.

I eventually have to get up to go to the little boy's room. I gently place her on the window, getting up to relieve myself. Yeah, sitting down for hours is pretty hard when you really have to go. I wash my hand, drying them on my pants.

As I walk out, I hear Louis yell, "For Narnia!" and hurl a carrot at Harry. He ducks at the last second, the carrot whizzing past him and right into Kat's sleeping face.

"Louis! What's you do that for!" Niall yells. Liam goes over to Kat, checking her face. "You gave her a bruise!" Liam screeches.

"Wow, she really slept through that," Harry says, poking her in the cheek repetitively. He starts pinching her nose shut. Liam swats away his hand.

"Like I said, deep sleeper." I take my seat next to Kat and don't leave her for the rest of the ride over to her home country.

Liam's POV

When we land, Kat and Zayn are asleep leaning on each other. How cute! This calls for a twitter moment. I whip out my phone and take a picture. The flash wakes up Zayn, but Kat remains sleeping.

"Are we there yet?" Zayn asks, stretching his arms.

"Just landed. Should she be sleeping for this long?" I ask, worry going through my mind.

"It's a normal thing with her," Zayn says, picking her up and carrying out of the airplane.

As soon as we step out of the gate we are hit with a barrage of flashes. Paparazzi, no doubt. I can see the headlines now: Zayn Malik carrying a sleeping girl out of the airplane! How scandalous! Oh well.

When we get all of our bags, we bring them and Kat to the car and start filling in. Louis is the only one old enough to drive, so he takes the wheel. Niall sits up front with him. Of course Harry wouldn't miss out on the chance of laying a girl's butt in his lap. I roll my eyes, taking her head and fiddling with her blonde locks. The way Zayn describes her and looking at her right now, they just seem so different.

When we finally get to our hotel, she opens her eyes and smiles.

Kat's POV

I can't help smiling when I wake up in Liam's eyes staring into mine. He just seems so peppy, I can't help it.

"Lady and Gentlemen! We have arrived at our destination!" Louis announces.

"Where would 'our destination' be, exactly?" I ask, sitting up in Harry's lap.

"San Francisco!" Niall yells.

"No frikin way!" I yell jumping up and down. All of sudden I see Harry give me a weird look and feel this weird bump under me..."Disgusting!" I push at his face, backing up in between Louis and Niall's seats, practically sitting on the dashboard.

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