Panic Attack

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Korra's POV

I couldn't breathe. My chest was heaving up and down but almost no air was getting to me. I quickly ran from the room, hearing shouts from those in the room with me but ignoring them. I ran as fast as I could through the halls trying to find my way out, trying to get some air any at all. Finally I came to the door and flung it open the outside of Air Temple Island showing itself to me.

I couldn't believe it. I won't believe it. Mako couldn't be dead. I had just saw him not even 24 hours ago. All of these thoughts spinning through my head as I continued to run till I got to one of the cliffs I go to calm myself down. Why would they lie to me about this kind of stuff? They wouldn't. I just...... don't know what to do. All I can think about is Mako, and his stupid face. Every curve, every look he makes, his eyes oh god his eyes. I just.... Why? Why can't he be okay?

Slowly, I regained my breath but, that was the least of my problems. Still by the cliff I sat down and started to dangle my legs over it thinking about the last time I was here. God it felt like a life time ago. That's when the tears started. I had been able to keep them from falling, but now I don't care. I always hated crying it made me feel weak. I remember one time Mako walked in on me crying, I was so embarrassed. I told him to go away because I was being weak. The next thing I knew Mako had me in his arms and whispered "Crying is not for the weak it is for those who have been strong too long" I had no idea where he got that from but it helped.

"Korra?" I heard Tenzin ask from behind me

"Y-yeah" I answered, wiping the tears off my face "What do you need?"

"Why would I need something" Tenzin answered "I just wanted to know if you are okay. I know you are going through a hard time right now but I think if yo-


"Now Korra I think your being over dram-'' I cut him of once again

"I'M NOT BEING OVER DRAMATIC!!! MAKO IS DEAD, TENZIN! DEAD! AND I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SEE HIM AGAIN! I WON'T BE ABLE TO TELL HIM HOW MUCH I-" I cut myself off at the end not wanting to actually say it out loud.

"Korra, I didn't mean to be insensitive. I didn't know you felt that way about Mako, I had my assumptions but..., that's not important. I'm so sorry Korra" Tenzin then gathered me in his arms and held me while I cried.

I'm not sure how long we were sitting there before I stopped crying. Even after I had stopped we spent a little while just sitting there staring at the water below us. Eventually, someone showed up looking for us. Gathering myself I picked myself up off the ground and started walking back to the Air Temple. On our way there I asked Tenzin if he knew why I couldn't breathe earlier. He explained to me I had a panic attack and that they are caused by an overwhelming amount of anxiety which triggers your body's fear. I thought that was interesting because through that whole thing I didn't feel fear once. I guess the world is funny like that.

Author's Note: Just a one-shot. Hope you enjoyed it

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