Inner Demons

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Smesh sat on the rooftop of the ramen restaurant and looked at the midnight sky of Silica City.

Smesh: Oh my... With the neon signs and this view combined... It looks amazing...

Cristina: *Walks up with a few snacks* Hey, sweetie.

Smesh: Hi, Cristina. ^///^

Cristina sat beside Smesh and put her arm around him.

Smesh: How's Jacqueline?

Cristina: She's feeling better now. She just needed some rest.

Smesh: Good...

Cristina: Hmm? Is... Something wrong?

Smesh: Yes, actually...

Cristina: What's wrong, Smesh?

Smesh: ...So, you know how I was... Corrupted?

Cristina: ...Yes?

Smesh: Well, during your game of Tempest, I went into the bathroom, and I started feeling extremely... Sick, and then I coughed out this dark liquid...

Cristina: What...?

Smesh: And then all of a sudden, I lost control of my body, and my mind was overwhelmed with... Really negative and sadistic thoughts... But I managed to regain control... I'm saying that... The Corruption is still within me, and if something isn't done... It may fully take control and there may not be a way to bring me back...

Cristina: Oh, no... Not again...! 😰

Smesh: Yeah, and-

Smesh gagged loudly and coughed out more of the dark liquid he mentioned before, and his skin turned gray.

Cristina: OH, SHIT!


Cristina: Wait, what?!-

Smesh screamed in pain and released a wave of dark energy, which launched Cristina off the rooftop.

Cristina: WHOA!!!

Guy: Ah, I got my iced coffee! Yes! :D

Cristina landed on top of the guy, making the iced coffee fly through the air.

Cristina: OW!


Cristina: ...


Cristina: SMESH!

Jacqueline: *Runs out of the ramen restaurant* Cristina, what the hell's going on?!

Cristina: S-Smesh is-

Smesh jumped down from the rooftop and kicked Jacqueline into a car.

Jacqueline: AGH!

Smesh: ...

Cristina: Uh oh...! S-Smesh...!

Smesh opened his eyes, which were pitch black.

Semi-Corrupted Smesh: Lord Shadownova will return!

Jacqueline: Oh, no... This isn't good...! Cristina, what happened to him?!

Cristina: I-I'll explain later...! R-right now, we need to bring my Smeshie back...!

Jacqueline: Right!

Semi-Corrupted Smesh: Heh heh heh... Oh, my darling Cristina... There is no need for resistance. Trust me, things will be so much better for us in the New Era...

Smesh X Cristina: TasCorp TroublesWhere stories live. Discover now