Heading Home

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After getting back to the ramen restaurant, Jacqueline and Cristina laid Smesh down on the couch so he could rest.

MR Infinite: Well, looks like that's the end of that...

Lamar: Yeah... Thank god you got out of there unscathed.

Jacqueline: Well... Not unscathed...

Smesh: Heh heh... Funny joke, Lamar.

Sofia: I saw what you did to Lux on the cameras, put quite the smile on our faces.

Lamar: Now he feels the fear he gives to us.

Cristina: Hell yeah he does.

Masa: So... Are you going home?

Cristina: Shortly... Just going to allow Smesh to rest for a little bit, then we're off.

MR Crystal: Alright then. Oh, and hey... 

Cristina: Hmm?

MR Crystal: It was really nice to see you three.

MR Infinite: Damn right.  

Sofia: And it was such an honor to meet Cristina!

Cristina: *Giggles* Tell ya what... How about I give you my autograph?

Sofia: *Sr Pelo gasp* OH, YES PLEASE!!!

Cristina: Alright then.

Sofia grabbed a copy of Tempest and gave it to Cristina.

Jacqueline: How are you holding up, Smesh?

Smesh: In pain, but I'll manage...

Cristina: And... Here you go!


Masa and Lamar chuckled at Sofia's excitement.

Cristina: Heh heh.

MR Infinite: Can you make a portal back home?

Cristina: Yep. *Puts her Omega Game Gauntlet V on her hand and opens a portal back to the Mushroom Kingdom*

Jacqueline: There's our ticket home.

Cristina: Indeed, bestie. *Begins to carry Smesh*

MR Infinite: Well... I guess this is where we depart until next time.

MR Crystal: Yeah... Again, it was awesome to see you three!

Masa: Take care.

Lamar: Later!

Sofia: Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Cristina smiled and walked through the portal with Jacqueline, and it closed.

Lamar: ...So, what now?

MR Infinite: As much as I hate to say it, Lux... Isn't finished yet.

MR Crystal: *Rolls her eyes* AS figured, goddammit...

MR Infinite: But I made a promise to you four. We'll take down TasCorp, and we'll free Tari and Theo from their evil hands.

Masa: *Smiles and nods*

Lamar: Damn right!

Sofia: We'll take TasCorp down for good, all five of us!

MR Infinite: Heh, for now... We relax...

Back in the Mushroom Kingdom, the portal opened near Smesh's and Cristina's mansion, they walked out of it and looked around.

Jacqueline: Home sweet home...

Smesh X Cristina: TasCorp TroublesWhere stories live. Discover now