Hi everyone this is my first time writing a story but I hope it is good enough
So when Ms.B announce that the class is going to the princess coronation and Marinette is told that she's the princess of England what will she do what will her class th...
Back at Paris Chole's POV I woke up early this ok a shower and wore this
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I planned on asking daddy if I could go to England 🏴 for the princesses coronation but of course daddy was going to let me go.
I went to his office when I got there I could tell whe was upset I went up to him and asked him as what was wrong but then I dropped the topic and asked him if I could go to the princess cotonation just yelled at me, he was like NO YOUNG LADY YOU CAN NOT YOUR TEACHER SAID YOUR BEHAVIOR AT SCHOOL IS UNACCEPTABLE A—@ I was really upset, I already had all the maids my bags because I was so sure that daddy was going to let me go. But then again I deserved it with the way I treated Adrien and Marinette the whole class but I promised to myself the next time I see them I was going to apologize to all of them i started planning the coronation isn't till another month sooo I had enough time to plan but the plan was too get them all together to the park or something.
I went downstairs found my dad in a better oof and decided to give another shot when I got close enough he looked up and asked do you need anything to asked him again and he said yes you'll get a first class ticket and you'll live at sunset tomorrow.
Next day
My helpers helped me pack I didn't feel like it was right to treat them as maids even the person that's supposed to be my best friend she left and I didn't think she regretted it I mean treated her unfairly.
At the airport
Ms. Bourgeois your flight will be leaving soon,I walked up to him told him thank you and walked up to the plane I could tell he was surprised I ate dinner and listened to some music I heard the pilot say we were going to land I was going to the most luxurious hotel in England, I got out took a taxi (yes a taxi)
I got to the hotel and I saw my whole class I tried to run but one of my classmates saw me it was Nathaniel we got in front of the class we were all shocked like how did they get to the most luxurious hotel and they were confused as to why I was there but then they remembered that my father was the mayor so how did you get here we all said at the same time I saw Sabrina right next to her I told her she could stay with them she was really happy I asked my class if we could have a sleepover they thought about it but then agreed so I went to my room and prepared.
At 7:00pm
All my classmates were in my room everyone was kind of nervous before we started anything I told them all I was sorry for everything they could see I meant it Marinette hugged me then Sabrina Adrien alya nino and the whole class even Ms.B but then she left to order pizza is she the best teacher or what we were all friends now.
Then alya spoke up and said let's play truth or dare, we all knew we were going too regret this but agreed anyway.
So she went first the bottle landed on Mari so she asked her t or d ummm t is it true that your crush is Adrien ummmm uhhh true wait you like me Mari she blushed looked over my way and I just pushed her forward she was surprised Adrien kissed her and she kissed back and said chole t or d I chose dare she asked me who is your new crush I pointed at the red head and said Nathaniel he was really nervous.
I mean Chole bourgeois said she had a crush on him she's always had a crush on him but never admitted it she was always in this wall that only she could break they decided to end the day by watching a movie alya purposely chose a scary movie because Mari was really scared of scary movies you could easily tell by her face we watched the joker and
Ok everyone that's it for now I won't be writing a chapter for a few days Have a great day where ever you are Word count (764) Plz VOTE COMMENT SHARE Bye 😿😿😿😿🐱🐱😼😾😽😽😽😻😻 POUND It