The Forest Guardian

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This pup is a 15 foot tall wolf spirit whom protects a very special forest

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This pup is a 15 foot tall wolf spirit whom protects a very special forest. They don't let anyone out once they wonder in. Only a few have made it out, deeming themselves worthy of being able to come again.

Name: Paladin

The Forest: The forest is a moderately sized forest but it's trees are huge like redwoods but is home to many creatures. Glowing mushrooms grow on the trees and the green grass glows during the night. The trees secrete syrup from holes of certain birds pecking into them. The syrup is known to be the stickiest substance and has healing powers when used as gel. It was hidden away over vast plains of grass until a small town was built just a few miles away from it. Many see it's glow from the town and ask the young male bartender who was one of the lucky few to get out alive. He tells everyone the same story:
"The forest is guarded by a great spirit and will kill you on sight. Don't go, you will die." Yet people ignore him, using the logic of "spirits aren't real" and "there must be something valuable in there if it's worth protecting". Greedy people die always. Once a kid went in and didn't come back for a year. When he came back he was in his same clothes and hadn't aged a bit. Though he had a glowing pendent of a crescent moon. Everyone asked about it in his family and all he had said about it was "it's a lucky charm". It seemed like anyone who came out of the forest alive didn't age, wasn't harmed, and was very secretive about their encounters with The Forest. The boy only told people the Forest Guardian's name, Paladin.

Info about Paladin: He has a hybrid form but only uses it when he's hidden in the spirit world. He would only trust to use his hybrid form in the mortal's world if he really trusted someone. He can speak English and Spiritually through his wolf form. He is 17 ft tall in his hybrid form. In his hybrid form he has two scars on his left eye, a dark blue mane from his collar bones, sides of his neck, back of neck, and connects to his hair. He has dark blue hair which is fluffy. He has the same markings as his wolf form does and his top fangs hang out of his mouth. Around his nose and mouth are a dark grey like his muzzle. The top of his arms are the same dark grey and on his shoulders are his wolf markings with white spots. The coloration continues on his back and down to his thighs. The sides of his thighs have the same markings as his shoulders except without the white dots. His sides has a light blue markings. From the middle of his back there are grey stripes that lead to the bottom of his pecks, stomach, and on top of his ass. They get smaller as they go down. The insides of his thighs are a dark grey.

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