A poem to bullies

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You push and shove

Those you think that are weak

You call them names and spread rumors

About that girl you call a Geek

You don't know the harm that you do

And how it affects their being

You just brush it off easily

But you don't see their seeing.

You think you look cool

But nothing's cool 'bout being mean

Later in life you'll look back and be ashamed

About how cruel you have been.

You call that kid ugly

But he was in a fire.

That girl you just called frumpy

She can't afford attire.

That kid you called fat

He has an eating disorder

A girl wants to be your friend

And you simply just ignored her.

That kid you called a cripple

Was paralized in a collision

And that kid you called a klutz

Was born with terrible vision.

You called that kid a sissy

His father just died

You called that kid a hobo

His parents can't provide

That girl you called Baldy

She might die from cancer

You called that kid cumbersome

And crushed her dreams of being a dancer.

You called that kid Twig

He's starving with no food

And the girl who's abused

Is the one you called a prude.

Brad got a better grade

So you drew on his locker door

You were jealous of Mackenzie

So you told everyone that she's poor.

Lily was happy

At the time you were upset

So you made her feel bad

And gave her a threat.

Andrew fell in gym class

An embarrassing thing it was.

Instead of making him feel better

You laughed and called him scuz.

Sally accidentally told your secret.

And even though she apologized

You told every single one of her secrets

And you were happy she was traumatized.

Mark stole your best friend

It made you very mad.

Instead of handling it very calmly

You treated him very bad.

Lisa made you look stupid

Even though it wasn't her intent.

You made her look like a buffoon

Worse by a million percent.

You didn't find out until way later

But one had killed themself

Because of what you did and said

The kid you called an Elf.

If you were a truly bad person

You wouldn't care a bit

You didn't care about that kid

Or the suicide they'd commit.

But If you were a truly good person

You'd feel regret and guilt

If you tried hard enough

You'd take down the walls you've built.

It takes a strong person to say "I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry for what I've done"

But if you truly were a good person

You wouldn't try to run.

Some might forgive

While others maybe not.

What matters is you said it.

And saying sorry is a lot.


If you are being bullied, talk to a friend or trusted adult, because I don't want suicidal results

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