A poem to my ex-best friend

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I remember seeing you in grade three

Running laps as well.

You waved to me and said hello

Your personality seemed quite swell.

I introduced you to my other best friends

My true ones to this day

You greeted them as friendly as before

Then we all went outside to play.

You were a friendly kid

Someone always so kind.

You helped me when I needed help

And never left me behind.

Us four were the best of friends

Laughing all day long.

You were as happy as could be

Our friendship very strong.

Grade four came

And our group was stronger than ever

And at the time I always thought

Our friendship was forever.

"I don't like Emma"

Is what you said to me after school on day I thought was well.

Then I walked Emma to the bus and she said

"I do not like Annabelle"

Then one day Emma said

"I'm playing with Reese today."

That made you so so mad

You felt like she pushed you away.

I noticed after that

Emma no longer hung out with us.

Our foursome was down to three.

But I wasn't going to fuss.

Grade five came and we met new friends

Several that were nice.

We played and played at recess with them

And easily broke the ice.

"Tag, you're it!" David said

Tagging you when he came.

Instead of continuing to play with us

You whined and quit the game.

I laughed and talked with Jacob

Underneath a tree.

While we talked I couldn't help

But see you glaring at me.

Me and Emma versus you and Bella.

In a game our teacher picked.

I scored the point and made us win

I could see you very ticked.

"Good game," I said to you

Giving you a hug.

You just stared at me angrily

And stormed off with an "ugh"

I came to your house to sleepover

I won in monopoly when we played

You made me clean up by myself and left

It left me slightly dazed.

Then one day you asked me if

David was my boyfriend.

You said because I do fun stuff with him

And leave her alone from beginning to end.

I don't leave you behind.

You follow me around wherever I go

You stick to me like gum to a shoe

You quit the games yourself, you know.

Our teacher gave us work to do in class.

I already was ahead.

You stayed to copy off my work.

And got mad when I said "no" instead.

In grade six, you got meaner and meaner.

Got mad at me for stupid reasons.

You were rude to everyone else

Increasing through the seasons.

You rolled your eyes when I was right

You walked away when we tried to talk.

You talked back behind our backs.

Being your friend was no cakewalk.

You continue to talk bad about me to this day.

I'd say more about you if I could.

I don't know how to tell you this

But if I could stop being your friend I would!

-Your ex-bestie

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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