Chapter 1: Ambience

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     Sometimes, I lay in bed at night just staring at the ceiling, thinking about how I let myself come to be in this position and state in my life, I recall past moments and events until I fall asleep. I force myself to believe that true love exists, born from the ashes of pure dialect and the art of conversation, magical gazes, bursting attraction, pulsing hearts, and that I, Shannie Fisher have someone waiting to meet me, someone perfect, bold and different, someone destined for me, my so-called soulmate waiting to form a vincule of true love for the rest of our lives until death do us part. Without even knowing who I am... yet.

     I'm convinced that Plato's theory of soulmates is in some way, real. In ancient Greece it was believed that there were humans with four arms, four legs, one head but 2 faces and they were so joyful, so complete, so full of each other, but in a good way, like in an all-consuming, lovey-dovey type of way. They were so powerful and happy, that indeed, the Greek gods grew afraid of them, so terrified even, that Zeus split them up in two. Completely and utterly ripped once unified souls cold-bloodedly in half. Damning humanity for being prideful, upbeat and powerful. Leaving halves of beings roaming freely around the world, some were even doomed to never even find their half. But those who did, they would be complete once again, morphed into one, satisfied. As each other were the only reason they were ever alive, but at last, they would find their purpose, they would find each other, and would finally be complete again. Content. After spending so much time longing, waiting and searching for love, they eventually would. Soulmates, equals, meant-to-be spirits... True. Love.

     I just turned 16, yet, I long for human romantical affection a bit more than an average teen my age, but what I think is in the best way possible. I consider myself a rather poetic and lyrical person, with deep feelings and an oceanic whirlwind of somewhat complicated emotions. Some people might say that it's not that cool or useful to be this sentimental, but I think it's a virtue, or a gift. I enjoy thinking it makes me a little bit smarter.

     Most kids I know, have at least once been involved with alcohol or smoking, not to mention kissing too intensely with some touching going on, either publicly, in some type of party or social event, or even privately. Without even being soulmates. Just for the experience, just for fun. I am in no way like that, I mean, I do like parties... sometimes, but I don't go to them all the time, I only go when I have nothing better to do or if Lynn convinced me to go to one. Normally, I go because of Lynn.

     I do consider myself special, or at least cool in my way. I like writing, I have a strong admiration towards music, something about the sound waves and the melody of a good song, travel to my ears and become in sync with my heartbeat, it's extraordinary. I adore expressing myself through songwriting. My pain, my happiness, my sadness, my doubts, my hunger for love, creativity and imagination all go blended into my songs. I  also like to read... a lot. In the depths of my heart, I wonder to myself very often: 'Will I ever actually find my soulmate?'.

     I've never really had many friends. Most friends I've ever had don't stick around long enough to get to know me fully, except Lynn Lunné. Lynn is my best friend, she's the type of girl who is very athletic, forces you to go to the gym, and eat healthy. With a slim and fit figure, long brown hair, hazel eyes, tan skin and a contagious smile, she is very attractive. People often think we are related, given that we are both the same height, 5'6, but I have considerably large brown eyes, wavy brown hair with caramel highlights and I am very pale. I do recognize that we kind of look like cousins. She is very social, yet tender and caring. I think we both compliment each other pretty well. We often study together and go out on weekends for boba tea or go to the mall. I met her in third grade, but we never really talked or got to know each other correctly until we reached fifth grade. She's been sticking around ever since.

     My family is a very odd bunch of individuals. Made up of my mom, my dad, my older brother Mason and my younger sister Harley. My mom and my dad are soulmates. I don't have an amazing relationship with Harley, given that she is only 12 years old and is the youngest, she is often extremely annoying and very pampered by both my parents, making her most of the time, rarely tolerable. I do have hopes for her maturing at least a little when she turns 13. Mason, being 18 and in his senior year of high school, has more responsibilities. He works a job at the chinese restaurant at the mall while I work my shift at the Coco Café as a waitress on the floor below his. Since I can't drive, he frequently acts as my chauffeur and takes me everywhere when my mom is busy and can't drive me somewhere.

     We talk a lot, he's a gifted listener. He has already found his soulmate too, Jennie Markley, she's a very nice girl, blonde, about 5'8, piercing blue eyes and a very charming personality. I can tell she genuinely loves my brother, and he loves her very much too, they have been together since she was 16 and he was 17, making that a year since they both felt and confessed their sparks. She undeniably enjoys getting manicures, pedicures and getting her eyelashes done. She normally asks Lynn and I to accompany her and usually, we all have a very calming and delightful time. She is also very talented with makeup, and on numerous occasions she asks me to be her "canvas" and practices her makeup skills on my face. I must say, she is very brilliant and skilled with this type of thing. I only know the basics, but I have learned a bit from her.

     As for my parents, my dad is a very sweet and hardworking man who has a very weird sense of humor but gives very good life advice. He shows his love and affection for us daily. It's quite heartwarming. He is very fond of food and makes exquisite eggs. I usually get along with my mom, but sometimes, we do fight over things such as her claiming I am "hiding under a rock" or because I am "convincingly antisocial and introverted". I do get irritated because I feel pretty comfortable right now. The idea of "branching out" doesn't feel that correct for me at the moment. But deep down, I do wish to know what would happen if I chose to expand my teenage social life, go to parties a bit more, meet new people, maybe even meet my soulmate. Who knows what could happen? But that is exactly what I am scared of. Expanding. But is it time to give it a try? I think about this very frequently.

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