Chapter 2: To Branch Out

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     "Oh Fisher!" Lynn yells in an odd manner as she comes into my room. "What's up?" I say sitting on my bed and placing my book beside me. "There's a party tonight at 9:00...Come with me?" She says in excitement. "I'm sorry Lynn, but I haven't finished my book yet, and I still got loads of homework to do. Besides, last time I agreed to go to a party, I was very uncomfortable watching underage teens drinking and playing beer pong. The whole time, I was wishing to get out of there, go home, crawl into my sheets, read, and sleep." I say with a semi-hostile attitude. "You know I don't go out very often either Shann, I rarely go to parties too. But it's at Logan's, and when I do go out, it's always better with you. I almost never go to places without you. Last time we both went to a party, I didn't enjoy it much either, it wasn't that great. But remember we both left early and I slept over here at your house. It was all over three weeks ago!" Lynn exclaims, lets out a deep sigh, and freely drops her body onto my bed with her arms open. "C'mon Shannie, it's at Logan's. Please. I promise we'll have an awesome time, it will be different. You might even meet your soulmate! Who knows? Our sophomore school year just started a month ago, and you turned 16 over the summer. Let's go meet new people!" She stands up, sits beside me and says "Please?" while jokingly making a begging face expression. "How do you always manage to convince me to do these things?... Fine, I'll go. But don't disappoint me Lynn!" I say. Lynn lets out a short and jolly giggle as we both make our way to go downstairs to my kitchen.

     Logan James has been Lynn's love interest ever since I got to know her. He's a tall, white, slightly muscular, popular guy with straight dark brown hair in a curtain-esc hairstyle and brown eyes. I've never really been fond of him. He's Lynn's neighbour and goes to our school. She claims talking to him once in a while and to have felt a spark once, but she's never told him anything about that. She says he's very nice and that he has an old soul. I don't know much about him, besides him liking indie rock and rap music, according to Lynn. I believe her, but as far as I know, he's kind of a player, and deep down, she knows that too. He has a new girlfriend every month or so, but he's currently what you can call 'sole'. 

     In our teenage world, a 'girlfriend' is not like a soulmate in any way but she can turn into one. It's like a person you are with just to experience and explore for a while with, but it is very possible there can be a spark as time passes. Which is what society likes to stick with now-a-days. There are also 'boyfriends' which is the same thing but in male versions. Love at first sight became something rare over the years.

     Many girls that have been with Logan for a while, claim after a few weeks of being together that they felt a spark. The spark has to be reciprocated and true for the soulmate part to be real. They usually end up with their hearts getting broken. I am scared that if Lynn ever gets to go out with him, and confesses to him about the spark she felt, real or not, he might break her heart after already using her for fun one way or another, and she might give up on trying to find her soulmate very soon after such a tragic event in her life. 

     Lynn is a physically and emotionally brawny girl. But I know this type of thing could still hurt her badly. I'll support her with anything she decides to do... yet, I don't want to see her get hurt by some dumb guy who's not even good enough for her and might not even be her soulmate at all. This is why I despise the boyfriend/girlfriend system, because if it doesn't work as planned, many people worldwide end up completely heartbroken and give up on finding their actual soulmate, or they run out of time and turn 21. As her best friend, I think Lynn could do better. But it's only a crush... right?

     Who knows? Some people choose to keep the spark they feel a secret, with the simple excuse of being scared, embarrassed or they just don't want a soulmate. If a person truly decides to remain alone, a new soulmate will be assigned by fate for the person who's first soulmate doesn't want or desire him or her spiritually. Like for example, my aunt Cindy, my mother's sister, she gave up at 19, after she got her heart broken, smashed, and pulverised by her then girlfriend, after confessing to her that she felt a spark, but the girl she was with never reciprocated anything. She only used her for pleasure, fun, and for the experience. The girl thought that maybe, over time, as the years passed, she would feel a spark towards my aunt eventually. But she didn't. That was the problem. My aunt Cindy has been all alone since then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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