Chapter 4: 'teh closet'

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 Tyler and his sister and mum had finally arrived to the Coleman's party. He couldn't wait to see Daniel, since they hadn't been alone for a while. They wouldn't be completely alone, since they would be babysitting the two little ones would, but it was still better than the alternative.

 "Ty!" Daniel greeted him from the livingroom. This was gonna be so much fun! Tyler knew it!

 "Come meet the guys!" Daniel continued.

 "What?" Tyler asked, confused.

 "I said come meet my friends!"

 "I-I know what you said, but... what?"

 Dammit! Tyler just wanted to be with Daniel alone for as long as he could, unafraid to make any moves. But, of course, his friends would have to be at one of his parties. Even if it was his dad's party in order to get to know the other workers from his job as a lawyer. That was the main reason his mum was their, after all.

 "Um... okay." he sighed, a knot building up in his stomach. He'd never really talked to any of Daniel's friends before. As a matter of fact, the only people he talked to were Daniel and a girl he called Mave, short for Maverick.

 They slipped through the back door past the crowd of old people and were met by three bystanders.

 "Ty," Daniel said. "meet Jake, Mike, and Adam."

 "Um... hey." he uttered, noticing that none of his friends were so bad looking... but he still didn't like them! At least not at the moment.

 "Hey." the rebel named Michael said. "You okay man?"

 "Yeah, I'm fine." Tyler answered, suddenly not so threatened by the three prep students. 

 "Good," Jake, football team captain of their school said with a stern voice. "because I don't hang with losers."

 Well that wasn't very nice... Tyler thought to himself.

 "Okay then!" the flirty 'asian' of the crew said, breaking the awkward silence. "I'm Adam, in case you were wondering." he said sarcastically holding out a hand for Tyler to shake on. He did just that, and was greeted by yet another not so pleasant surprise.

 "Oh, Tyler!" Skittles yelled running into the backyard.

 "Hey, it's your little sister!" Adam said loudly, excited to see what stupid but hilarious thing she'd do next. In fact, they all were. All but Daniel and Tyler. They knew for a fact that the girl had to be with Kat, her best friend since the orphanage, and would more than likely mention the whole boyfriend thing.

 "Your girlfriend's here!" she said with a wink while Kat consistently nudged at her arm.

 "My girlfriend?" Tyler asked confused.

 "Hey Ty!" Mave greeted he bestie before giving him a kiss on his cheek. "Where have you been all night?"

 Tyler noticed the gleam in her eye that meant that she was up to something. She knew very well that he had feelings for Daniel, not the whole boyfriend thing, so she must've been there to back him up.

 "H-hey... babe." he said with a slight blush and a kiss in return which meant thankyou. It didn't mean much to him, but it meant a whole lot to her, for sure.

 Maverick had on a white sweater with red and blue aztec prints on it and a golden sparkling pair of shorts to match her festive mood. She sported with that a golden pair of high-top jordans and a striped red and white scarf, as well as a red and white beanie and grey mittens. She had on a pair of black framed glasses and wore her favorite headphones around her neck. She had strong feelings towards Tyler since the day they met, and she never let it go. She knew he had feelings for Daniel, but she was convinced that Daniel had no regard for him and imagined the day that Tyler would come running into her arms and admit that he was in love with her. But as of now, she just hung out with him in 'teh closet'. She had lengthy black hair, pale skin, and peircing blue eyes that matched her persona. She was unafraid to speak her mind and be herself. She was strong and independent, but, of course, sometimes required support. She was only nice to her closest friends, which included Tyler.

 This made Daniel nervous. He was unsure if he was jealous, relieved, or just straight out angered. He didn't know what to say or do, but his friends sure did. Although it wasn't exactly the right thing to do, or at least it wasn't to Daniel.

 "Eeeeey!" Adam said, throwing his arm on Tylers shoulder who was quite taller than him. "Ty's got a girl! I never would've known!" he fake coughed. "No offense..."

 "Not bad..." Jake said. "But I've go to say, Mave... you can do better." he laughed at his own joke. "I'm just fucking with you!" he barely said, still laughing, hitting Tyler in the back. Hard.

 "Ow..." he uttered.

 "I'll say, Ty... you've got taste." Jake said in response to Mike's bad joke.

 Now Daniel was steaming mad. He was raging mad. He had to hold it in, though, until everyone left and Tyler and him were alone, though, which only made it worse.

 Well I'll be damned... he thought.

 Skittles and Kat could both see the anger and jealousy smeared across Daniel's face.

  "Hey, Adam!" Skittles said, trying to distract everyone. "Can I has that piggy-back ride now?"

 "Anything for you, princess!" the 'asian' said, holding out his hand. "As long as my girlfriend doesn't see!"

 "Let the riding COMMENCE!" Kat yelled s she jumped up onto Jake's back, declaring a chicken fight. Out of boredom, the two boys jumped into the pool with the two young ladies on their shoulders, causing everyone, including a thankful Tyler and a confused Daniel, to jump in! The two forgot about the tension and had fun while it lasted together, playing pool football and Marco Polo and managed to fall into an accidental embrace from pure luck. From the look in each of their eyes, they happened to forgive and forget with just a glance. They knew that it was all okay, but it still needed to be addressed. And soon it most definately would. But not by only them.

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