Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

Three days have past and Allonia has been in and out of consciousness. She didn't talk, mostly just mumbles and murmurs in her sleep. I stayed with her in the room most of the time. Boot camp was still being run by Raphael, and Delilah. I refused to go back until Allonia at least woke up. The doctors said they don't know when she would wake up. She went through a lot of trauma and to be completely honest they don't know how she is still alive.
Allonia's family come in here and there it's mostly her brother and sister though. Sandra can't handle seeing her daughter in this position but who can blame her?
"Anything new?" Andreus asked me as he handed me water.
"She moved a bit but nothing much. She is healing well though." I respond as I hold onto her hand.
"How long have you been with my sister?" He finally asks after a few moments of silence.
"Nothing was ever official." I shrug, "I did meet her a year ago though. " I admit.
"I don't want details, she is still my baby sister." He begins "But if something like this happens to her again under your watch. I will kill you." I could hear the seriousness in his tone. I would honestly go mad if she had to go through anything like this again. I just need her to make it through this.
"Milo?" I heard Jessebelle ask.
"What is it?" I groan turning to face her. I told them I didn't want to be bothered until Allonia was awake or something.
"The chief wants you... She said it was urgent." She mutters.
"I will stay here and let you know if anything changes," Andreus told me. "Plus you look horrible, clean yourself up before my sister sees you."
"You do smell," Jessebelle admits. "I will tell Chief you will be there in 30 minutes."
I don't argue and leave to go to my house because I know that they aren't wrong. I haven't left her side since the doctors said that she could have others in the room. It's been a long three days. It hurts seeing her like this. My strong Allonia looks so weak. I miss her laugh, her smile, hell I miss her sarcasm that matches her little eye roll.
When I got home I got my clothes together and took my shower. The warm water soothed me. It was a small relief allowing me to forget about everything going on. That I was a normal 20-year-old only having to worry about normal things, like taking out my girlfriend and dealing with douchebags who tried to hit on her. If only things were different.

After my shower, I quickly put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Sliding on a pair of sneakers before walking out the door. When I made it outside my sister was waiting for me already making me groan in annoyance.
"What do you want, Luna?" I asked as I continued to walk towards Chief Gam's.
"How are you feeling?" She asks as she tries to keep up with me.
"Allonia's not up yet so, how do you think I'm doing?" I rolled my eyes. Why can't she just take the hint that I don't want to talk to her.
"She won't turn out like mom and dad." She says and I stop in my tracks making her bump into me.
"Don't bring them up," I say lowly.
"You never got over it and you don't talk to me. I miss my big brother." Luna explains. I could hear the hurt in her voice. We both took their deaths hard but she handled it better than I did. Hell, I didn't even handle it.
"I have to handle things with Chief Gam. Tonight come by Allonia's room and bring food." I tell her, extending the olive branch. Even though I tend to avoid my sister at all costs majority of the time, she doesn't deserve it. She isn't the reason they are gone. It just still hurts to think about it.
It didn't take me long to make it over to Chief Gam's, but a part of me didn't want to come. I know it couldn't be good. I don't need anything extra on my plate right now, and honestly, I am not in the right mindset to be dealing with all of this at one time.
"Chief is ready to see you." One of her guards told me, escorting me to her office. Chief Gam was pretty nice after getting through her rough exterior, but that does diminish the fact that she was very cut-throat when it comes to serious matters.
"Sit down Milo." She tells me as I walk through the door. This is probably going to be about me neglecting my duties. "First how are you feeling?"
"As well as I can be given the circumstances," I tell her, skeptical of her. She never really showed care towards others emotions. There has to be a catch.
"I need you back at Bootcamp. Delilah can't handle them as well as you do." There is the catch. I try to hold back the eye roll that was bound to come. Allonia really has rubbed off on me.
"Not until Allonia wakes up." I was partially lying because honestly, I wanted to make sure she was okay after she wakes up. Then find out who the hell was sick enough to hurt her. I don't know what I would do though whenever I find out who it is. For one I am not as cruel as I am lead on to be but for Allonia I just might become that.
"But it could be weeks or even months. I get you have feelings for her but God knows sulking and staying next to her isn't going to wake her up."
It took all of me to not snap after what she said. She is lucky I have respect for her or I probably would have. I know she doesn't entirely mean exactly what she said but her priority is the majority. Plus she has said it herself I have been the best to train the new recruits, but I'm not in the right headspace to even be doing that.
"I said what I said, Chief Gam. Now if you will excuse me." I don't wait for a response and just leave.

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