All I want for Christmas

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Christmas break had come and many of the furs left for the holidays, many of the colleges themselves and more so the apartments which housed most of the students were almost all empty.

Sitting in one of the not so empty apartments was a slim, caramel coloured fox with hints of chocolate that ran through his fur from his wrists to his fingertips and from his shin to the rest of his feet below. He sat on a barstool near at the extension of the kitchen counter holding a large enough coffee mug. It was the same time of year again when he was alone. His roommate had left to to spend the holiday with his family 14 days ago and the silence was ever so constant, except for the radio near the kitchen which hummed lowly. His 19th birthday was on Christmas day and he planned nothing but to bake a little cake as he did for the past year and enjoy it alone.

He sat at the counter almost motionless, leaning the white, ceramic mug to his muzzle and sipping the dark coffee every now and then. His ice blue eyes caught movement before him and he saw 2 little ants carrying a little biscuit crumb across the counter and observed them. The one carrying the crumb was constantly dropping it and after a few more attempts the one lagging behind came to assist and soon they dissappeared behind the old, black toaster.

Ty sighed softly looking into the mug and moved his clasped hands around it in a slightly circular motion, watching as it's contents stirred slowly. He felt a bit uneasy by the silence and slowly got up from the stool and headed to the sliding door to his right.

Staring out into the park across the road, he held the mug to his muzzle once again and took a gently sip. He noticed the snow falling lightly and the children were playing on the playgrounds scattered throughout the park. A little wolf bundled up to his neck formed a little orange sized snowball and threw it at another small wolf, this time wearing pink. She looked like his sister and both looked about 7 years old. Upon impact, the small snowball crushed under the pressure against her left cheek and she stood motionless in astonishment. Her brother giggled across from her and skipped over to aid her. As he neared her she immediately threw a snowball that she hid behind her, smacking him square in the muzzle. The little pups ran and chased after each other and finally giving up, both of them plopped themselves onto the snow and began making snow furs.

On the sidewalk nearest to the park, there were a few teenagers walking side by side, mostly looking like those of couples. Ty spotted a couple walking, a dark grey wolf walking at the right side of his female counterpart, an almost pure white fox who was about a head or two shorter than her partner. She shivered slightly and giggled a little, wearing just a light Christmas sweater. Wrapping herself up with both her hands around her elbows, her scarf flew gently behind her, tailing in the light wind. The dark grey wolf had probably noticed by now for he turned slightly to her and took off his coat, wrapping it around her shoulders. She smiled thankfully and closed the gap between them, now under his left arm which her threw around her. She looked up at him to meet a warm smile and welcoming eyes. He leaned a bit lower and placed a soft kiss upon her small muzzle. She closed her eyes in the few seconds as they embraced each other, walking slowly and as they parted, she wore a brighter smile and leaned into her boyfriend's safe, securing hold as they walked on. Ty looked on until they passed his field of view and he had kept a soft gaze, feeling both happy for them and sad for himself.


I looked down into the coffee mug in held in my grip and soon after, closed my eyes slowly. I wish them nothing but the best..and that they love each other unconditionally..forever, I though, feeling a shiver run through my body as a result of my sorrow. Opening my eyes once again slowly, I turned around and started for the kitchen, clasping my hands around the mug and taking small steps toward to sink. Finally unable to deal with the silence, I reached over to the radio and turned it on, raising the volume to a low level. I tilted the mug I held close and watched as a small amount of almost transparent liquid run out of the container followed by a few small, dark beads which were pieces of ground up coffee that settled at the bottom of the cup. An advertisement came over the radio and soon finished.

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