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You guys get home safely and get all of the clothes inside the house and sit on the couch.

Mattia- that was something.
Y/n- it sure was.
Mattia- we really have to be more careful.
Y/n- I told you it was a bad idea. Now they know that we're in California.
Mattia- but they don't know where we live. You have to calm down.
Y/n- I am calm you have to calm down.
Mattia- you're overreacting.
Mattia- YES YOU ARE.
Mattia- you're not making sense at all. Sit down.
Y/n- no, I am gonna go to my comfy bed and you're going to sleep here. ON THE COUCH.
Mattia- oh no the fuck I'm not.
Y/n- says who?
Mattia- says me the fuck.
Y/n- I'm locking the door.
You start to speed walk upstairs you make it to the room but Mattia makes it before you and grabs your wrist and spins you around.
Y/n- let me go.
Mattia- no I'm sleeping with you.
Y/n- no.
Mattia- whyyy?
Y/n- be you make me sad🥺.
Mattia- what can I do to make it up to you?
Y/n- get me my pickles.
Mattia- that's all?
Y/n- yes.
Mattia- alright.
With that Mattia goes downstairs and gets your pickles. He goes upstairs and sees you waiting.
Mattia- alright ms. Y/l/n here you go.
Y/n- thank you.
Mattia- alright but we have to pick a name for her.
Y/n- I know I know. I just don't know what.
Mattia- how about Delilah Rose Polibio.
Y/n- baby, I love it.
Mattia- yay!
Y/n- well Delilah you'll be out sooner or later.
Mattia- then daddy can do whatever he wants with mommy.
Y/n- aww baby, keep dreaming :)
Mattia- b-but we had a deal?
Y/n- okay and?
Mattia- a deal is a deal.
Y/n- what deal?
Mattia- stop y/n.
Y/n- awww is Mattia Polibio getting mad because he's not getting inside of this?
Mattia- don't test me.
Y/n- I'm not don't worry.
You grab us neck and start to slowly kiss it. After you start to suck it and leave hickeys on his neck.
Y/n- wowie look at that.
Mattia- oh the things. The things I would do to you right about now.
Y/n- aww 🥺

Your pov:
I'm only doing this to test him. This baby is my only savor because he can't fuck me right now. But I wonder how bad it'll get once she comes out. Delilah you really are a savor for me right now.

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