I dont wanna do this mission

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1 hour later

Steve had to defeat a villain tomorrow. He was worried, he had to give his daughter to Fury. So she could be safe from the villain.

"Y/N" Steve shouted coming back inside the hotel.

"Hi daddy" Y/N smiled, running up to Steve hugging him.

Steve took Y/N up the elevator to their hotel room. He had to tell Y/N that she was gonna be with fury tomorrow. But he wanted to keep her safe so he had to give her to Fury, he knew that Y/N would be nervous but it was only for her safety.

"Tomorrow, I have to take you to Fury. Nick Fury. He'll take you to a safe place ok" Steve explained. He almost wanted to cry when he saw the expression on Y/N face.

"But, I don't wanna go. I wanna stay with you" Y/N cried, wiping her tears away.

"I know sweetheart, but a villain will strike here and I wanna keep you safe" he smiled.

"But what about you" Y/N asked.

"I'll be okay" Steve smiled before giving Y/N a hug.

Time skip- Next day

Steve woke up feeling very anxious because he had to give Y/N to Fury. He woke up early unintentionally and Y/N was still asleep. He went to the bathroom to get ready. He took out his suit case to get his suit on and his shield.

"Daddy, your Captain America" Y/N laughed, clapping when Steve walked out.

"Yes I am, and your gonna have to stay with Fury, now come on" Steve smiled picking her up and going to the lobby.

"Oh, Captain" the employee called when he walked out.

"Hello mam" Steve smiled giving a solute.

Steve put Y/N on the chair and texted Fury to tell him that he's coming. Fury responded and then Steve drove Y/N over to the location Fury sent him.

"Hello Rogers" Fury smiled, picking up Y/N.

"We're gonna put you in this room ok? This will keep you safe from the villain" Fury smiled putting her in a room that was empty and had nothing but a chair in it. There was vibranium around the room.

"I want my toys" Y/N whined.

"Kid, you can't have toys in he-" Fury got cut off by Steve.

"Here are your toys, don't leave the room play in here" Steve smiled handing Y/N some toys.

"Steve she can't play-" Fury got cut off again by Steve.

"Let her, she would be bored and at least she's still safe" Steve sighed.

"Ok, the villain is coming soon" Fury mumbled.

"Wait wait hold on, your telling me that I'm fighting this villain alone? Where are the other avengers" Steve asked.

"Oh, the other avengers are in the United States fighting another villain." Fury replied.

"Right, but I have another mission here I wasn't looking forward to two missions" Steve mumbled.

"Well too bad your gonna save the world because you are a captain, you are a hero" Fury shouted leaving.

"Daddy? Be careful" Y/N mumbled.

"I will, you stay safe here. Fury, if anything bad happens to her, I will kick your ass" Steve smiled walking out.

"Hey Steve, before you go. You kick my ass, I kick yours. But nothing bad will happen to Y/N." Fury smiled.

Steve saw the villain, it was Magneto (yes I'm putting an x- men villain in here just deal with it even though he's not always a villain)

"Holy shit" Steve mumbled when he saw Magneto and all the metal around him.

Steve really didn't want to fight him but he had to and he had no help except for Fury's words.

Steve's secret Daughter Where stories live. Discover now