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All the scenes and happenings in this book is fully fictional and didn't happened in real life.


Chaeryung rushed towards Ryujin's who's still playing with her phone. "You won't believe what I just stumbled into".

Ryujin eyes diverted from her phone to Chaeryung, ready to hear what she gonna say. "What's it? "

Ryujin kinda nicer with Chaeryung since she's a same age friend and also the fact that Chaeryung is also nice and sweet, she act differently towards her unlike Yeji or Yuna.

"I think I just met the Chois. They were four of them. 3 boys and a girl", she told her but Ryujin look back on her phone, she found the topic about the Choi is not interesting at all.

"Well good for you", Ryujin said without looking at her. Chaeryung frowned, she should have known that this how Ryujin would react.

They rushed back to their seats as their homeroom teacher walked in, with a boy behind her.

Like a typical students, they all started whispering, figured that they'll be a new student in their class, but not an ordinary student.

Mr. Park slammed the wooden ruler on the table, making all quiet. "Class president!".

He looked around but no one stood up to give him the attendance.

"It's fricking first day of the semester sir!", a voice heard from the corner of the class, making the whole class burst out laughs.

Mr. Park scratched his neck and smile shyly. "Sorry, I forgot about that. Now, Zhong Chenle, could you do the honor of taking the class attendance for this semester".

Chenle stood up and take the attendance book on the table. "Gladly, sir".

The students started chatting loudly, most of them teasing Chenle being the new class president.

Mr. Park slammed the wooden ruler again few times, grabbing their attention.

"Now class, seems like everyone is perfect with both eyes on your faces, you can see that we have a new friend joining us starting for today. Can you introduce yourself?".

Chaeryung nudge Ryujin's shoulder and pointed to the boy which she already look at.

"Hello, I'm Choi Beomgyu. Nice to meet you all", he slightly bow.

The whole class gasped and started whispering again, knowing that the boy that stood up in front of the class isn't an ordinary boy.

"Great. We have the Shin and the Choi in our class. Great. Just great", a student started talking, making everyone sighed.

[DISCONTINUE] the SHINs (c.bg x s.rj)Where stories live. Discover now