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"omi-kun, i'm headin'
home today."

the two of them were currently hanging out in their usual spot. it was already past 9pm and kenma was fast asleep.

"okay. by the way,
i'll return the coat
tomorrow. i still have
to wash it."

"no, no, it's fine!
you can keep it!"

"...are you sure?"

"yep! in that way,
you'll never forget
about me."

sakusa faced him and raised his brow.

"what does that
even mean?"

atsumu laughed, eyes forming crescent. his smile never left his face.

"there was no
deep meaning
behind that, omi-kun."

sakusa narrowed his eyes at atsumu before sighing, shrugging off weird thoughts.

"if you say so."

atsumu hummed, putting his hands in his pockets as he stood up. sakusa looked up at him.

"you'll tell me
if something is
bothering you, right?"

the devil faced him once again and smiled. 'don't do that, omi, yer making me crazy,' was what atsumu wanted to say, instead he said-

"of course, omi-omi!
ya should do the
same, alright?"

"yeah, yeah,
you already
know that."

atsumu grinned as his cheeks turned crimson red.

too bad sakusa didn't see it.

"i'll go now, omi."

"take care."

"i will. you take
care, too!!"

"yes, i will. now, go."

atsumu chuckled before vanishing into thin air.

he wanted to stay in the human realm with sakusa tonight, but he had other plans with his co-devils.

not long, atsumu reached hell and was teleported directly to the devils' HQ.

he looked around for a sign of life- even though they're all dead there. he looked inside akaashi's office and he was nowhere to be seen. bokuto's office was empty too.

marahuyo, sakuatsu.Where stories live. Discover now