24th of april

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the day was finally here, the day I had been waiting for. my dad was right my mum didn't like me going but she came around once she met my friends and felt I was in safe hands

the car pulled up and I got out. the window to the front rolled down and my dad popped his head out

''have fun Vivian, and remember stay safe'' ''don't do anything I wouldn't do'' he laughed and waved

I took my blue suitcase from the back of the car and waved back as he drove off. I turned around to see Chris walking towards me

''hey v'' he was sporting some sunglasses and had a suitcase similar to my own

''hey chris where are the others ?''

''their inside waiting in the line we have already checked in'' he smiled. 

we turned around together and walked into the double sliding doors. the guard watched us as we did

''you looking forward to this ?'' he asked almost sarcastically  knowing what the answer would be

''of course Chris are you kidding ive only been wanting this forever''

'' I know since you first saw her, you have said many times''

we walked through the detector and put the bags on after that and checking in we were ready to board. Suzie and Noah were already in their seats and we sat behind them

''hey Vivian'' 

suzie came through the space in the seats with a little smirk

''did you remember to bring condoms'' 

I could feel noah hit her arm a little. ''suzie you can't ask him that

''well have you ?'' she asked again of course joking but somewhat serious 

''umm no I haven't Suzie''

''don't worry v, if you want one I have plenty'' chris added to go along with her

''th..thanks'' I said back and felt like I wanted to be swallowed up by the comfy chair in that moment

the overhead speaker came on then. ''can all passengers please turn off any electronics we are about to take off'' ''thankyou for flying with LA air

suzie smiled and her head disappeared

since it was night already because we had to in order to get there by 12 in the afternoon and give us some time to book into a hotel till morning everybody around started to sleep

chris was snoring and I think noah was sleeping too. from what I could see in front suzie had the screen to her tablet on and was watching something on YouTube 

''you still awake'' she said seeing half my face in the reflection of the screen. she turned it off and looked through

''yeah I don't think I can sleep'' ''what were you watching ?''

''just some ASMR video but I was enjoying it to much to sleep'' she smiled 

''oh that's cool I like that to''

''hey Vivian'' she began being sincere ''I was only teasing earlier about the condom thing'' ''I hope I didn't make you to uncomfortable''

''its fine Suzie you didn't and anyway what's the chance that someone like brie Larson would want to sleep with me''

''who said anything about brie'' she winked

I instantly went red. then she laughed

''haha im just messing Vivian, you should have seen the look on your face'' ''anyway have a nice night we will be in LA before you know it'' she smiled and went again


later in the night I still wasn't a sleep. one air hostess was walking around still but no body wanted anything

I felt a little uncomfortable in my jeans from what suzie had said and thinking of brie made me as still as a lightsabre. I whipped my phone out silently and searched for a picture I had liked of brie hosting some talk show with a black dress on

my right hand kept the phone stable while my left reached down into my jeans so I could start to stroke

chris was still asleep next to me so I hope he didn't hear or anybody else for that mater

it felt so hot to jerk off with people around that I came in under two minutes. I cleaned myself off in the bathroom before returning to my seat and tried to get some shut eye.


the plane touched down in the morning around 7 which would give us around five hours before I would meet her at last 

we walked out and into the lobby of LAX and waited for our bags after we walked to a nice looking hotel that noah had booked for us

''we're going to go get us some breakfast we will be back in a minute'' chris and noah walked off

suzie was in the room unpacking

I unzipped my bag and the first thing I came eyes to was a captain marvel funko pop, which I then placed into a draw till later

''that's a pretty nice thing if she will sign it'' suzie looked up while holding her danger days MCR t-shirt

''im hoping she will it would be nice also if we get to go to the endgame premire''

''that really would'' she responded and stuffed the t-shirts into a draw

I took my own cloths and placed them in one aswell

''did you finally manage to sleep last night'' she suddenly said out of no where

''yes I did I must have just nodded off''

''well I suppose the noise I heard wasent you then''

I stopped suddenly and looked up a little red. how did she know unless suizie was never a sleep and she heard it 

''its ok dude come on now we all do it'' ''theres nothing to be embarrassed about'' then she added. ''so what was the picture ?''

I hesitated before pulling up the picture and handed her the phone. ''woah no wonder you did it so quick if I wasn't straight I would just finger myself right here'' she handed the phone back to me then and I slipped it in my pocked. there was nothing further from that conversation

chris and noah came back a minute later with some breakfast burritos and before we knew it we were making our way down to the local centre where the conventions are sometimes held.

captains marvel's - a Brie Larson X writer Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now