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~You started getting tense to see Taehyung, even though you knew what to expect. Being ignored. All of your oppas looked at you like you had four heads, while Taehyung was just staring at you up and down with his mouth open and his cheeks heating up.~
RM: WHoAh WHoAh WHoAh! Explain!
Suga: I'm surprised Seokjin even let you wear that.
Seokjin: Because the rest of her closet is made up of hoodies and big, fat sweaters. *you hit his arm playfully*
Y/n: Yah! It's not my fault I like to wear things that are comfortable. And this, is not one of them!
J-Hope:  Anyways, I'm gonna go find the sprite. Cya! *he leaves the area*
Jimin: Ima try to find some jams.
RM: Jimin. How many times do I have to tell you? You got no jams. Period.
Jimin: I still have hope. *he makes his way to the kitchen of the place.*
Suga: I'm gonna find a couch. Bye. *he leaves the room as well, and Jin and Jungkook go somewhere too. That leaves you, Jasmine, Ella, and Taehyung. Jasmine started wiggling her eyebrows and smirked. My god, Jasmine...*
Jasmine: I'll leave you two to sort things out... *she grabs Ella and they leave. Great, just great. You were about to say something until you hear heels clicking, again. Yep, The devil has arrived. She ran over to Taehyung and said hello, which made him turn his attention to her. She glanced at you, but you were shocked when she said:*
Brianna: Hey new kid. What are you doing here? This is a high school party. *ohhohohoho.... this is gonna be fun....*
Y/n: Well I'm a high schooler... can't I be here?
Brianna: Eh, ok. Anyways, you got a name?
Y/n: ....... Talia. *you tried to come up with some name.*
Brianna: You seem cool. I'm Brianna. Don't make me regret my decisions. *she put her hand out for a handshake.*
Y/n: Dont make me regret mine either. *you accept her handshake, and Taehyung is just left there dumbfounded, but so were you. Does she really not recognize you?*
Brianna: Oof. Ok ok... wanna go grab a drink?
Y/n: Nah... I'm good. *she shrugs her shoulders and leaves. By the time this whole conversation is over, Taehyung is already gone. You sigh deeply and go to a less crowded area to calm yourself down. There was a spare bedroom, so you went inside and sat on the bed. Just then, things had to get way worse. That stupid senior again...*
Kai: So we meet again... must be fate...
Y/n: Yeah right. You just happened to come in here?
Kai: Well what if I did? Hmm? *he slowly walks towards you and you back away until your back hits the head of the bed.*
Kai: You got all dressed up for me, huh?
Y/n: Pshh.. you wish. Why do you keep trying? I'll never be yours. Ever. *his gaze darkened.*
Kai: then I'll make sure to show you that you are...
Y/n: Wha- *he started to forcefully kiss you, and you hated every single second of it. You didn't kiss back, so he gave up and started kissing your neck, and further down. You started to cry, and begged him to stop. He stopped at your collarbones and smirked. You didn't know why until his finger slipped under the straps. It sent shivers down all over. He continued his disgusting act, and there was nobody to help you. He eventually got tired, and said:*
Kai: That'll show you, hmm? *he left the room, leaving you into a crying mess. You were just sexually abused. And there was nobody to come help you. Just then, Jungkook came in and saw you in your state. He seemed really concerned.*
Jungkook: Oh my god! What the heck happened to you?! Are you ok?! *he put his hands on your shoulders, and you just cried in his arms. He was a bit shocked at first, but he wrapped his arms around you after some time.  Fun fact about you, you used to like Jungkook when you were in middle school, but you never told him. You realized you will never get him and you decided to just stay friends. This is the closest it will get. Just then, Taehyung came through, but seemed really upset once he saw the scene in front of him. Oh Tae, no no no!*
Jungkook: Hyung, just listen. I can explain-
Taehyung: Shut your mouth. *he stormed off back to who knows where, and you started to cry again. Jungkook sighed and patted your back reassuringly.*
Y/n: I-I'm sorry...
Jungkook: Yah! Why are you sorry? It's fine. I'll explain to him tomorrow.
Y/n: H-have you been... talking to him? *he nods his head slowly.*
Y/n: Why is he ignoring me? *you laid your head on his chest*
Jungkook: He says it's because of something you said... but don't worry about it right now. You need to relax. Do you want me to take you home? *you slowly nod your head, not being able to take it anymore. He carries you to the car, and drives you home. By the time you guys reached, you were asleep. He smiled lightly and carried you to your room, and laid you gently in your bed. He just stared at you for a while, with his hand on his chin.*
Jungkook: cute. *he mumbled, and planted a kiss on your forehead before leaving.*


~you woke up to Ella and Jasmine sitting next to you, and they smiled when they saw you awake. You rubbed your eyes to see better.~
Jasmine: hey... you ok?
Y/n: No. I hate all of you.
Ella: Look... we're really sorry we didn't stay with you... we just... we're being irresponsible.. we're sorry...
Y/n: You should be. I literally almost got r*ped last night, you know that?! I hate you all, I hate you all, I hate you all. I frikin hate you all so much! *you went to your closet and went to go change. The boys were standing outside the door and they heard everything. It was your first party, and because they didn't take care of you, it's gonna be your last. It's their fault. If they are gonna bring someone, they should at least take proper care of them. You came out wearing a white crop top with grey sweatpants, and you pushed your way to the bathroom, not caring anymore.*
Jimin: She almost got r*ped?! We are horrible people.
RM: You can say that again..
Jimin: We are horrible people? *RM facepalmed himself, but the doorbell rang. Ella went to go open it, and it was a disappointed looking Taehyung.*
Ella: Taehyung? What are you doing here?
Taehyung: I need to talk to Jungkook. *Jungkook gulped down and went to Taehyung, closing the door on his way out.*
J-Hope: What was that about?
Suga: I don't know... weird.. *you came out of the bathroom, all freshened up, but that's when you saw all of them still in their party wear, with slightly unbuttoned shirts, messy hair, and smudged makeup.*
Y/n: What happened to you guys? *they all were scratching the back of their necks now, which made you furrow your eyebrows.*
Suga: We kinda....
Seokjin: We kinda got a bit tipsy... *you gasped. They drank?! Wat?! Well that explains a lot. You went downstairs and saw Taehyung. You quickly turned around, but he grabbed your wrist.*
Taehyung: I'm gonna leave right now. Now go eat. *he finally spoke. It may not have been the words you wanted to hear, but he at least said something after a whole entire day.  You smiled and skipped to the kitchen, still happy that Taehyung couldn't ignore you forever, but haha you thought.*

                         -End of Chapter 15-
Hello my lovely borababies :3 What's up? Hope your safe and well. I have exams coming up for summer school, eugh. I hate it! Anyways, hope your life is better than mine. Remember your beautiful and loved. Bye!

My First Love || k.th FF (under editing) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now