The Evening After

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Young as it can be, the desire to hear his penetrating voice grew inside of me... secretly I started to wish that he would call me again tonight. The thought of his voice gave me quivers every time I thought about it. I didn't know what was happening... If only I knew what was coming and what was in store for me...I was afraid but couldn't resist this feeling of ecstasy. The rest of the night passed without being able to sleep which was meant to be my peace usually. I kept tossing and turning tired and restless...but this mystery didn't keep me from sleeping the following day. I didn't know when I fell asleep; I woke up the other day at 6pm as usual feeling energetic and happy but not remembering anything that happened the night before. I felt relieved to find myself not under the spell. As it came near to 11pm I got online as usual to chat up with my friends and play games not even remembering him or anything from the night before because that night all of my friends were there. What more can I ask for? I couldn't think of something that I would want that night. After a while when I checked my contacts he was online!! For no reason my heart started beating violently... Didn't the matter was settled last night? Once the time had passed I really don't take much interest to things. But this was weird. I didn't know whether the sky broke down or it was my heart which beat so violently... pulse rushed through my veins like crazy. I kept assuring myself that it was due to lack of sleep last night, other than that I was ok. We started chatting and he was rather stubborn. He said he's not a cheap guy. I didn't know what he meant by that, but I had this feeling that he's no different than any other guy who my friends dated and dumped...

A few anxious moments followed...I kept asking what I wanted to know but he never gave full answers to my questions. Our chatting session ended after a few minutes, him declaring that he was not fond of chatting. So I let him rule...Didn't have the slightest idea how it happened because I am just not the type to give up so easily without a fight especially against what I want. The whole night my heart beat violently even by thinking back things he had said in the chat. I had no idea why? But all I hoped and wished was to have a chat with him once more. Was I dreaming or was it really happening? Yes it was but I wasn't aware then. The night had gone by without sleeping. It dawned to a new day, but still I wasn't sleepy and that was rather odd because I could sleep over a storm during day time. But the next day was different. I saw everything differently. My body was like a stranger to me... I felt like something inside of me actually had never belonged to me. The day passed without a word from him...and me feeling exhausted. What will there be will be no more, I waited impatiently for him...with every waking second flooding my mind with the thought of him... I did not know why?? No matter how hard I try to forget him and bring everything to ease, one way or the other, he seemed to enter my mind giving me thrills and fastened heart beats...It was a hot April night, I kept tossing and turning in my bed without being able to sleep because of the strong desire to hear his voice or at least have a brief chat which would satisfy my cravings. Suddenly my phone started ringing. I checked and it was him! With each ring my heart started beating harder and faster... I didn't know what was happening to me nor could I control what was happening to me. Gathering all my courage I picked up the phone... I was hopelessly shaking, in fact I felt very weak. I thought if this was something that happens to everyone once in their life? Or was I just not strong enough? Was I really having a medical problem? But I just didn't have the answers with me...he kept speaking and I couldn't make out most of what he said because he's voice was that distracting and penetrating. It was as if the voice was caressing me from inside... almost made my eyes close and feel it penetrate within me...I have never experienced this feeling of ecstasy before. That feeling was just too strong than my body can had shaken me to the core and drowned me into a world where I lost my way back. His husky voice continued to stroke my nerves...waking my senses to my horror. I suddenly wanted to be with him... I couldn't take it anymore; I wanted him to hold me in his arms for eternity. I wanted to be surrounded by the warmth of his body...the list continued so on and on. Little did I know what was happening to me?...

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