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I'm currently sitting in the living room with my pants from the day before, in my hands, in search of the small paper with the phonenumber. I feel the curled paper on my fingertips and pull it out from my pocket.

It's been five days since we met, and now i'm pondering wheter or not to call him. Maybe five days has been too long. What if it isn't actually his number. It would be weird if it wasn't his number, but it is a possiblility.

I want to call him. I'm kinda scared to be honest, I am horrible with phonecalls. I don't know him, what could be possibly want?

My heart is pounding so fast, just from being nervous. Yeah, it's problebly a bad idea to call him. I put the paper back down and turn off my phone.

I had already put the number in my phone, with the name 'Mr. Mysterious'.
I chuckled at that.

Maybe I should just make that call.
I mean, you only live once. Then I have atleast tried, if he doesn't pick up.

I pick up my phone from my lap and press on his number and wait for the beep. I hear three beep's, I feel disappointment fill me and am sure, that he will not pick it up.

Suddenly, I hear muffled voices on the other line and scratching noices.
"Yes?" I feel a bolt go through my body.
"..Hi, this is Kora. You gave me your number, some time ago. I'm the girl that played guitar on the street." I say in one breath, biting my nails.
"Oh hi! You called!" It had been quite long, so he thought, she had forgotten or thought he was some weirdo. "-Good to hear from you."
"I wasn't sure if this was actually your number, or someone elses. But i'm glad it is not" Kora chuckles akwardly.
He chuckles too,
I hear noices in the background from his end and some scratchy noices that hurt my ears.
"Hey, I gotta go, i'm busy at the moment. Bye." He hangs up before I get to say bye.

He puts his phone back into his backpack and walked back to the others, with a small smile still lingering on his face. He and the group were in the middle of rehearsing the first half of the dance for their upcoming song.

"Who was that?" Jin asks me quietly and scretches his arms, I mimic him. "It was just my mom." I say casually and look away, avoiding his amused stare. "Is that why you left with a such a smile on your face?" Jin says with a laugh, not expecting an answer, I laugh along with him and shake my head.

Kora sat there, happy about their brief conversation. It sounded like I interrupted him in something, although, I actually did.

No matter the case, I have no regret about the phone call, I think and smile to myself.

The next few days came and went, and it was friday again. It was a hot day out, so I put my curls into a high ponytail, that still reached to my shoulder blades. I wore a muscle tank top, a short dress and long sparta sandals.

I brought my guitar with me and put it in the backseat of my car, since I thought I could go to the fountain again, after I have visited Jean.

Me and my good friend Jean were going to hang out at her place. I met her for the first time, when I moved to the country and we were in the same class in college. We had the same humor and instantly clicked. Since then we have been very good friends.

We used to always hang out together and were basically sisters. She understood me like no other and was always there for me with a freshly baked cake to cheer me up, when I was sad.

One time when we were drunk, we decided to bake a cake together. We put everything we had laying around in it, cocoa, coffee, sugar, salt, curry, everything.
We laughed and laughed, until we both were out of breath. It tasted horrendous, but that is the most fun I've ever had.

She just got engaged to her boyfriend Chae Yeong, whom she has dated for a year. Jean has bangs and a round sweet face, that makes you wanna squeeze her cheeks but also confide in her.

It's a thirty minute drive to get to their white two-story house. Only Jean's car is here, Chae Yeong is at work then.
I walk to their entrance, knock twice and then go inside.
I have been here a million times before and we are good friends, it's a long time since I have waited to be let in.

I am greeted by the scent of the thousands of candles she burns everyday. I find her in the kitchen, in the process of making cookies. She looks up and a smile forms on her face

She stops what she's doing and walks up to me and gives me a tight hug. She really is the best hugger.
"You look good" She says and goes to continue her work with the cookies.
"Thank you. I feel good. What are you baking?" I ask. I go to wash my hands, and start helping her form the cookies.
"Just regular ones, I simply spiced them up by adding ginger in them"
I eat a little piece of dough and holy moly! Wow! They're really good.
"They're really good. Damn girl" she smiles proudly. She loves baking.

"Where do you put your glitter and such?" I ask looking through cabinets.
"Furthest to the left, at the bottom"
I take one and sprinkle blue stars, red hearts and yellow dots. I try to put all of it on the ones I made.

"It looks like you made the pride flag" she says, not amused by my artistic skills. "I think it looks awesome" I answer proudly, while writing random stuff onto them and drawing.

We put the finished cookies into the fridge so they can cool for thirty minutes. Jean said they are better this way.

Once we took the cookies out, we went to sit on the porch. We talk and laughed about all from heavens to earth.

I told her about my music and the stranger and how Kim Kim doesn't even want to work there at Deja Brew. Meanwhile she told me about Chae Yeong being busy with work all week and how her mother has been getting easily sick lately

Before I knew it, I had spent the whole day here and the clock was 19:00.

"Will I ever see you at my musical hang out spot?" I ask her once we're beside my car. She had been there the first two times I played and cheered on me the whole time. Now it had been a few months since she had last been there with me.
I had improved since then and I wanted to show that to her.

"Definetly soon, you will" We say bye and wave to each other until we're out of sight.

Now I set sail for my fountain.

Guitar in SeoulWhere stories live. Discover now