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I am awoken from a deep sleep, by my obnoxsious phone ringing. My hand searches for the phone in total dakness, once found I put it to my ear. "Hello?" I say groggily.
"Kora, we need you at work, Kim Kim has turned in sick. Can you come to work? The shift is from 08:00-13:00"
Goddamn it, Kim Kim. This is the third time this month, you have been 'sick'.
"Alright, I will be there in 20 minutes" I say whilst getting up.
"Thank you, you're a lifesaver!"
Mr. Boss lets out a breath of relief and hangs up.

I on the other hand, did not let out a breath of relief. I throw on my clothes and run to brush my teeth. Put my curly hair in an appropiate ponytail for work and put on a little mascara, to look more presentable.

I go to the kitchen and grab a banana, that I can eat on the way there. I grab my jacket and put on my shoes, and now I am on the road again.

As i'm driving, I feel like something is missing.

When I drove over a bump, I know exactly what it is. Shite! I forgot my bra! Of all the things.

The place I work at is a popular café, named Deja Brew. We bake our own cakes that we sell and the costumers really like them. I have worked here for five years on full time. That makes me qualified and means, I can do everything here, even bake. Though, that is only if something is missing or the bakers need a helping hand.

When driving into the parking lot. I see a blue bicycle, and know Lara is at work. Sweet girl. She began working here four months ago. Lara still has some trouble remembering certain stuff, such as cleaning, what goes where and how to do some of the drinks. But she is quite new, so it's understandable, I had trouble too. She is a head shorter than my 1.68cm and is a very round girl with long hair.

I walk into the café and cross out Kim Kim's name and instead write my own name on the list, after, I put on the work apron.

Lara is working at the cashier taking orders and working on making an ecspresso. She looks up when she sees me and says "Can you go serve the coffee's and the food?"
"I'm on it." I say.

It's in the early morning, so everyone is heading to work, which keeps the café very busy. When all the buisness folks comes for their morning coffee or their breakfast when heading to work. In common, they all order to go.

I serve the few that have choosen to stay. I serve a frappuccino and biscuits to table 3. A cheesecake and 2 green tea for table 5. It is always tough to balance the plates, but one gets used to it. I also may or not have dropped a few in the past... or maybe five.

Now when the clock i 10:00 it becomes the complete oppisate of what was previous and is completly empty, for a while.

Lara and I finally find ourselves having a break and go outside to stand in the parking lot. Me breathing in the freash air and her breathing in a cigarette.

"How is school going?" I ask. I know she'll be finished soon, since summer time is nearing.
"It's going ok. The eksams will be coming soon. After 9th grade i'll be seeking into college." she says, while breathing out a cloud of smoke.
"Ah, that's nice. Are you looking for something here in Seoul?" I ask, rearanging my nonexcisting bra. Good thing it's not cold today.
"Actually not. I don't know where, but not Seoul. I just want something else, than this city". She throws the end of the cigarette on the ground and steps on it and walks back inside, the door slaps shut after her retreat.

Now I have been left alone with my thoughts. That seem to still be wondering off to that stranger.
And now to the fact that he seemed to be handsome, unlike the day before. He had pretty eyes, dark brown eyes, like mine and his legs looked quite muscular.

I look at my phone and check the time, to see that the break had ended 5 minutes ago.

I walk back inside and find Lara under the table.
"Kora! I suddenly remembered Jackson. Are you two still dating?" Lara peaks at me from under the table, where she picks out new and clean china for the new costumers.
"We were only on two dates. He kept talking about ex girlfriends and how they dressed up more nicely, since I didn't wear a dress."
Lara lifts the china up on the table with a huff. "What a douche."
Yeah, he really was.

We switched up and now I was at the cashier taking orders, and she was serving.

My shift finished soon enough.
And after, I found myself at home, putting on a collar on Karl, so I could take him on a walk.
"Come on. Don't be so stubborn" I was strugguling to put it on him. He was biting, scratching me and wiggiling around to not get it on.
But I know once it is on and we are on a walk, he forgets it. It's always a battle before and after to get it on and off.

I hear the klik. Aha! I did it. "Let's go" We walk outside, and as predicted, he has already forgotten it and is pulling on the leash.

The park is only a five minute walk away from here.
Once there, Karl wanted to climb every tree and proceeded to do so, pulling me with him along the way.

So now we're sitting here in an old tree. I am sitting on a thick branch and a few meters up Karl is laying at the top of the tree, watching birds.

I look around and see all the knobs and light green leaves on all the blooming tree's and the small lake filled with life and a whole duck family. This is so beautiful and relaxing.

I should've brought my guitar out here, would've been a good place. Very quiet, only the sound of bird songs and leaves in the wind.
Not a soul here either, only an ederly man playing, what looks to be soduku.

One could fall asleep here. Lord knows Karl is already asleep.
I pull him back down again and climb down from the tree and walk the well known road home again.

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