Chapter 14

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"Choices made by fate,so we're here!"

Hoseok said dramatically while smiling brightly and proudly.

I frowned and looked at the place he brought me to and then back at him.

"Are you sure that being here is the choice of fate and not the choice of Jung Hoseok?"I asked,still frowning.

Hoseok kept smiling under his mask,proudly.

And then I stared back at the place 'fate' brought me to.It was a beautiful four story building with wooden decorations and glass door in the front.The inside of the building could be seen.That was beautiful too with expensive marble flooring and stuff.And on top of the glass door it was written "Sungho Music Academy".

I sighed.

Two months passed by really quickly and the date if BTS's Tour was fixed and it was next week.Hoseok wouldn't be able to spend anytime with me this whole week so he decided to that we should hang out this evening and make the most out of it.He said that we should take a walk around the streets of Seoul and see the beauty of it without actually having a destination in mind.Just wander around.I really like the idea.The streets of Seoul are really pretty at night.And I won't be seeing him for months after so I didn't want to miss out on this opportunity.I ended my shift early at the cafe somehow and took a day off from the bar.And we started wandering aroundat 6 pm.The streets were really pretty.We walked in some of the busiest streets of Seoul.It was really fun to see so many different kinds of people .I was having so much fun with him.

And somehow after wandering around for about an hour we landed in front of a music academy.And he's saying fate brought us here.

I just thought we were wandering without destination but this little bitch had planned this,hadn't he?

He was still smiling brightly under his mask.

"Hoseok-ah,didn't I tell you I will think about piano and then give you an answer.Stop being so childish,"I said.

"Come on.It has been almost 9 months since you said that.I couldn't possibly wait for more.You are wasting your talent."

"No,Hoseok.I'm not ready,"I said while looking away.

"Oh,you so are but you are just scared.Piano is associated with a lot of painful memories of yours.I know that you don't want to relive those memories.But need to do this.And you want to do this.You know that,don't you?"

"I know but it's just.."I stopped,I don't know what to say.

"Trust me when I say this,my dance chased away all my demons.Your piano will too.By this you can know how important and precious you are.The memories you are running away from won't haunt you anymore.You will learn to love yourself.So give it a try."


"And this Academy is my sister's friend's.They would treat you amazing here."

"Well..good but.."

Hoseok held my shoulders and turned me to look right in to his eyes,"Eunji-ah?Please give it a try."

I didn't reply.

"For your sake?"Hoseok asked.

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