Chapter seven

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My long blonde hair was done into a messy bun everyday  as usual and I love donning into a pencil Jeans with an oversized T-shirt and a matching long knee-lengthen hijab after my morning routines my thought was distracted when a knock reached the door hmm I thought if not for the twins who could it be ,hope not to see that queen drama sistur of mine ,what a bad luck I know she's over the moon with yesterday's incident that's too much to bear I thought to my self ,on drifting towards the land of thought the knock on the door becomes so hard that I feel the door could fall on it own but thank god I was back to my senses,just a minute am coming.
As expected this doming big heads the twins
Hy isha,hawy in general.

Isha -hawy :morning anty ...

Saudah :they stammered knowing very well I hate it when they call me saudah ,Mimi is far much too better and sweet than saudah 🤗what's up with you early morning?????

Isha-hawy: yap can we just borrow your room since you are up to school today it's children's day and we are free ,come here we want to share a secret  ,your full attention is needed
it's a secret ☺️☺️☺️

Saudah:deep within my self I know they are up to something seriously hmm what could it be🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐okay been a nice caring elder sister am all ears Be fast am getting late oyah sharp sharp .

Isha-hawy:umma is not letting us sleep at our room so can we take a nap over here we know she won't come to your room please Anty mimi 😔😔.

Saudah:they are too much I know they are feigning a fake sorry faces 🤔🤔okay sure but mind you guys if anything goes wrong your  two heads will be dead in soup is that clear ?

Ishaa-hawy:yes Anty on command🥰🥰we love you ❤️

Saudah:they both noded urghh love you guys too❤️am is umma downstairs ???????

Ishaa-hawy:yes both with Baffa having breakfast .

Saudah:ahh okay so early hmm did they make it up to each other god knows ,am ready ohh lord help me okay girls bye see you guys.

Ishaa-hawy:bye Anty.......😉

Saudah :on reaching the step I made my heels not to make too much sound ,at least they won't be distraction but what it still make some kyat kyat kyat little sound which drew the attention of Baffa and umma,here comes a drama saudah stay strong ,I feigned a fake smile and walk towards their direction,umma is already furrowing her eyebrows geez take a deep breath hah that's sounds good 👌.
Good morning baffa .

Baffa:morning mimi my damsel how are you?arent you late for school?

Saudah:question after a question am good baffa no today's lecture is by 10:30am I lied
Saudah: Good morning umma hoping a good reply will be out.

Umma:chameleon hold your greeting I don't need them 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨

Saudah:amm emmm emmm I stammered
Umma:when have you become a stammerer is this also the faith and test your so called Baffa keep blabbering?

Saudah:she fired back no umma I answered knowing very clear what's going to take place another scene for sure ,I moved straight to the point ,umma I've agreed in five month time am going to bring a suitor for my so called wedding I thought to myself 😌😌😌😌in a minute I was shocked with Baffa's expression .

Baffa:mimi are you out of your senses ,you clearly know what offensive step you are taking just to make your mom happy 🤨🤨🤨🤨.

Saudah:for the first time after so many years Baffa is rising in so much anger I was shocked beyond shocked ,my gripped was tightened towards my favourite poor bag 💼 hoping not to receive a slap from him but no he managed to controlled himself HaH what a relieved thank God nothing of such happened .

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