Kell's POV
We go inside and everyone is looking at us weird. Most likely because theres like 10 dudes that are all grown men except 1 and three girls and 2 of them are 14. Its pretty weird but thats ok. I say "yo Trav, where's the snake?" Travis says "you gotta find it." I say "I heard its on your bus but I mean its whatever." Jay chuckles, hiding his face in my neck. Travis says "I mean you can go find it." I say "I'll do it later." Dom whispers in my ear "how much you wanna bet the front desk lady is gonna flirt with hmmm Travis?" I say "20 bucks" shaking his hand. He nods and Jay mumbles "I love you." I mumble "I love you too." We all just hang out and Travis goes to the desk to check us all in. The receptionist is twirling her hair and biting her lip as Travis signs us in. Dom says "yes! Give me it." I say "asshole" pulling my wallet out of my back pocket. I give him 20 dollars saying "ugh." Jay chuckles saying "did you just bet on wether the receptionist was gonna flirt with Travis?" I say "yeah, why did I bet on that when I knew it was gonna happen?" Dom says "cause I knew I was going to win and I knew you'd bet on it." I say "ugh, you're too smart and I'm kind of dumb." We laugh and Jay kisses my cheek and Mark comes over saying "Travis looks so uncomfortable" laughing. I laugh saying "man, I feel bad. Poor Travis." Travis comes back with like 13 keys, not joking. He mumbles "she would not stop" handing me a key. He hands Mark a key and everyone else. Travis says "share with whoever you want, theres 10 rooms and 13 of us. Just figure it out we have all the rooms on the 4th floor don't trash it cause then you have to pay for it" as he hands everyone a key. Jay says "here you can have mine" putting the key in the pocket of my shirt. I chuckle saying "k" rubbing his thigh. Mark says "were gonna get stuck in the elevator" laughing. I say "hmmm maybe." The girls all claim they're sharing a room and Jay is sharing with me and I say "I think we have one empty room." Jay says "eh" kissing my neck. I bite my lip, combing my fingers through his hair. We get to the 4th floor and I say "tell me what numbers are on the cards?" Jay says "410" kissing and biting my neck. I open the door and he mumbles "I love you" and he gets off my back and I put the do not disturb slip on the doorknob. I flip the lock, pushing him against the door. He bites his lip and I say "I love you too, baby." I grab his hips, squeezing hard. He moans quietly and I say "you want it, don't you?" Pressing myself against him. He moans, nodding. I push his jaw to the side, kissing down his neck. He bites his lip and I bite his soft spot on his neck. He moans and I say "I love you, angel." He says "off" pushing my shirt up. I pull my shirt off and I pull his shirt off, mumbling "you're so sexy, baby." He bites his lip as I squeeze his sides. I pull him to the bed and I shut the curtains. He lays on the bed, trailing his hand to the waistband of his pants. I bite my lip just watching him. I straddle him, pinning his hands above his head. I kiss him and I say "what do you want me to do to you?" He quietly says "I want you inside of me." I kiss his neck biting hickeys into his chest, neck, stomach, and hips. He moans, gripping my hair. I bite harder and his legs shake. I smile mumbling "I love you" as I unbutton his jeans. I palm him teasingly and he says "stop being a tease" gripping my wrist. I say "I'm gonna tease you all I want" biting my lip. He moans saying "I want you." I pull my jeans off and he grips my hips, pulling me closer to him. I kiss him and I grind against him. He groans and I say "you're so pretty, baby." He moans and I mumble "you're so good, angel. You like it when I praise you, don't you?" He bites his lip, nodding. I kiss his neck and his legs shake. I pull his boxers off and I pull mine off too. I jerk him off quickly and his back arches. I pump myself a few times then I grip his hips hard, thrusting into him. I groan and he scratches at my back. I ram into him hard and he moans loudly, clawing at my back. I keep thrusting into him and he says "I'm c-close." I say "you feel so good, baby" thrusting harder. He arches his back and I slow down. He moans, rotating his hips. He says "more." I say "yeah, beg for it" placing my hand on his throat, thrusting slowly. He says "please, fuck me harder, da-Kells" blushing deeply. I lean down saying "say it" thrusting slowly. He moans saying "so good, daddy." I groan, thrusting harder. He moans and he says "I'm g-gonna cum." I kiss him saying "cum for me, baby" jerking him off. His back arches and he goes over the edge. I thrust into him a couple more times, going over the edge myself. I say "you're so pretty, baby." I pull out, kissing and biting down his chest. I lick the cum off his stomach as he plays with my hair. I leave a couple hickeys on his hip bones and I lay down, pulling him against me. He kisses me and I mumble "I love you." Jay says "I love you too" his eyes fluttering shut. I pull the covers over us and he tiredly straddles me, wrapping his arms around my back. I kiss his cheek and we fall asleep.

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