Kell's POV
I throw my guitar strap over my shoulders and I kiss Jays forehead. He mumbles "I love you." I say "I love you too, baby." I kiss him and he says "go you dork." I chuckle, kissing him then going on stage. I go up to center stage saying "hi everyone!" Everyone cheers and I say "ok, apparently at these things I'm supposed to sing songs" making everyone laugh. I say "so, where did they put Travis? Yeah, he's supposed to be here." I hear a drum roll and I jump saying "Jesus fucking Christ you can't do that! You scared me." He just shrugs and I say "asshole. No, he's nice I'm just kidding. Travis Stan's don't come after me. Someone's going to make a compilation of me being nice to you at the end of the tour." Travis nods and I say "oh boy. If someone makes that send it to me. Ok, what am I supposed to start with? Hmm what does everyone want?" I jump off the stage and find a girl and I say "what song?" She says "hmm Why Are You Here?" I say "oooo, thats fun, ok" jumping back on stage. I say "this is Why Are You Here" starting into the song. We do a couple more songs and I say "wow, it gets hot really quick up here." Travis nods and someone yells "TAKE IT OFF!" I chuckle saying "maybe I will" taking my jacket off. I hear quite a few whistles and I say "now now, don't get too fired up we aren't even half way done yet." Everyone laughs and I say "ok, do we wanna get someone on stage? Who is it gonna be? No, someone backstage not out there tonight. Sorry. Trav, who we thinking?" Travis says "if I pick Dom were going to do a song but if I pick anyone else you're going to talk some more." I say "heres a better one do we want to do a song and talk some more or do we want to talk some more than do a song?" Everyone starts chanting for a song and I say "is Dom ready yet?" Someone off stage shrugs and I say "awesome, this is I Think I'm Okay" playing the beginning of the song. When we get to Dom's part he jumps off the giant stack of speakers. Had to be at least 8 feet tall, it was pretty epic. When we get to the end of the song I say "that was pretty epic, jumping off the speakers. Did y'all see that?" The crowd cheers and Dom says "I like jumping off things and hopefully not breaking anything." I say "first day of tour that would've sucked." He nods saying "it does I rolled my ankle last tour" laughing. I laugh saying "that sucks, what do we wanna do now?" Dom says "I feel really short right now. Look at this guy." I say "I'm just a giant let me live my life. Is it just me or is it super hot in here?" Dom says "it gets hot quickly but you get used to it or you end up performing in your boxers" laughing. I say "that might happen who knows" making everyone scream. I say "no promises, am I allowed to take my shirt off or is that public nudity?" Dom says "if Brendon Urie does it its ok right?" Everyone laughs and I say "if Travis does it its fine." Travis says "thats not how it works. I'm a bad influence" laughing. I say "ok, whatever" laughing and pulling my shirt off. Many scream and whistle. I say "ok now that were at this point. I feel like were up close and personal so lets have a story time. Anyone have a story they want to tell? Exes, family, friend, school stories? Dom you have one?" Dom says "hmm, I went to hot topic today, that was fun." I say "when did you do that?" I say "as soon as we got to the hotel me and my crew went to hot topic and we bought a bunch of stuff." I say "nice, I wanna go to hot topic. What's a good hot topic around here?" Dom says "the one in the mall a couple miles away they have everything. Oh by the way we have a meet and greet after this." I say "I did not know this, ok. Hot topic after the meet and greet sounds cool. You wanna go?" Dom says "sure I'll gladly go to hot topic for the second time today" laughing. I say "awesome" laughing. Dom says "so Kells, how are you?" I say "I'm good, you?" He says "I'm pretty alright." I nod saying "ok, does everyone want another song or should we just talk some more?" Dom says "you do one more song then we can all hang out at the meet and greet." I nod saying "good idea. This is Bloody Valentine." We finish the song and I say "my crew will be at the meet and greet everyone be nice to them and I'll be nice to you. I want everyone to thank Travis cause ya know I'd still be that kid on YouTube if it weren't for him. I'm just adding to that compilation." Everyone screams "THANK YOU, TRAVIS!" I chuckle saying "now that was awesome. So were gonna be hanging out after the show so if you wanna hang out, ask us questions that make us uncomfortable, questions that make you uncomfortable, ya know make us do weird stuff, we like to have fun. So I'll see you guys in a few minutes!" Everyone cheers and Travis and I walk off stage. Travis says "thats the greatest first show you could've ever had. Good job, dude." I say "thanks, man." I hug Jay and he says "you're gross." I say "mhmm I know." He says "get off me and shower or something." I chuckle saying "fine" letting go and we all go to the backstage room. I quickly shower, cause they have showers which is awesome, then I put new clothes on, and fix my hair. I mumble "ready, lets do this."

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