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Hello all,

Gonna try to keep this as short as I can. 

This is the first fic I've ever written after being a silent reader on the platform for about the last year. There are so many authors on this platform who have inspired me to get into writing that I couldn't possibly name them all so just one big shout-out to every single person here who has contributed to this wonderful community. 

To those of you who are gone, we miss you. 

To those of you who are still out there, fighting and writing, thank you.

And to those of you who feel inspired, just like I did in February, to try something new and exciting and step out of your comfort zone, I believe in you and I'll be first in line if and when you decide to share it with the world.

Two more things and then I promise we're done.

Firstly, I tried to keep this fic as mild as possible for all readers but as this was also my first time writing one, I felt the need to experiment with and define my boundaries. As such, there are going to be parts of this fic that may not be suitable for all audiences and I will be sure to let you all know when those moments are. 

As the chapters are being released, I will give each one a rating on my trademarked scale here in the A/N for readers coming through the first time around and for those of you curious about what may be in store for specific chapters. The listing of chapters and their rankings is below:

 • Chapter 1: Summertime - Content Maturity Level: 0 - Description: No Mature Themes

 • Chapter 2: Hewlett Potter The Musical - Content Maturity Level: 0 - Description: No Mature Themes

 • Chapter 3: Me and My Best Friend - Content Maturity Level: 0 - Description: No Mature Themes

• Chapter 4: A Cute Bug-Puppet Production - Content Maturity Level: 1 - Description: Some Physical Intimacy

• Chapter 5: Lightning Strike at the Michigan Theatre - Content Maturity Level: 5 - Description: Strong Suggestive Behavior

• Chapter 6.1: LeakyCon 2012: Everything Ends - Content Maturity Level: 0 - Description: No Mature Themes

• Chapter 6.2: LeakyCon 2012: Or Does It? - Content Maturity Level: 5 - Description: Strong Suggestive Behavior

• Chapter 6.3: The Night of August 12th - Content Maturity Level: 8 - Description: Hard Smut

• Chapter 7: LDRing It: FaceTime, Skype and Everything Else - Content Maturity Level: 4 - Description: Some Suggestive Behavior

Lastly, I would like to thank two very special people who helped bring this fic to life.

Sam (AKA Lauren-Lopez-Fangirl): Thank you so much for being a spectacular beta-reader and giving me the confidence I needed put this labour of love (I can't promise the British spellings will be consistent...) on the internet as well as providing all sorts of content daily through your contributions to this wonderful community.

Kat (AKA Lopez-Danger): I couldn't fit this all in a sentence so here goes. Your friendship and persistence through this entire process, from inception to completion, has astounded me in every way. Your constant support through this project has been something I will never take for granted and I honestly do not believe this would've existed today without your help. I'm sorry for consistently torturing you with vague musings about my plans for this fic and the constant heart-attacks I gave you over the course of the writing process, both in good ways and bad. I'm glad you trusted me with my material and let my story play out the way I had always dreamed of and I am so very thankful that you always offered helpful advice whenever it was needed. I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done.

You were the one who made me realize why this was such a beautiful thing.

This is for you.

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