To those I have loved before

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Morning's at Mankai Dorms are always quite boring. After everyone gets ready to leave for shcool/work, there are only just a few stragglers that sit around and chill all day. The dining table seemed to be filled with the winter troupe plus Omi all having a conversation.

"Ara ara Omi you've made such delicious breakfast..." Azuma said in a breathy voice

"It's just cereal :)" Omi responded sexily because he's so hot and his heart and meat are totally huge I just know they're huge I just KNOW IT.

"It's not as delicious as that pic Tasuku posted on instablam! You looked great there Buddy!!" Tsumugi chimed in trying to gain Tasuku's attention.

Tasuku nodded  his head and simply responded with a "Thanks."

"You do this every morning!!" Homare interjected "Just write a poem under his photos like I do!"

Tsumugi blushed "I...I dont own a phone" He awkwardly side eyed Tasuku "I looked over at Kaz's phone and saw Instablam was open so I needed him to know-"

"HOW DO YOU NOT HAVE A PHONE, I THOUGHT WE-" Suddenly Homare received a text "Huh"

He sighed before reading the message out loud for everyone to hear "'Hey. Can someone come pick me up. I passed out and ended up at the hospital. They thought I was clinically dead... again...' AGAIN????"

"Ara ara, this is the the third time this week... I dont think we have any more money in the budget left to pay for this..." Azuma tilted his head and stared at the TV dramatically

"Atleast he wasnt shot by a gun" Homare would soon regret saying

Tasuku's fist clenched in pure rage. He was holding back the urge to slam the table trying not to have a full blown melt down. Omi sexily noticing Tasuku's anger and sexily putting a hand on tasukus back Omi sexily stated "You alright?"

Tasuku grimaced " God damn Liberals"

Omi sexily smirked as he sexily picked up the rest of the breakfast dishes because he sexily knew that shit was about to hit the fan so he sexily wanted to leave how very sexy of him. 

Homare raised his eyebrow "What is this about Liberals?"

Tasuku slammed his fist onto the table "Guns dont kill people. People kill people."

"Wow Tasuku" Tsumugi eyes in awe "Has your bicep gotten bigger? That's craaaaaaazy!!"

"Oh you didnt notice Tsumugi?" Azuma brushed his hair aside "last night i felt it, it kind of feels smaller."

"NNO WAY YOU GOT TO FEEL IT!! NOT FAIR!" Tsumugi angered idk

"Are we just going to ignore the gun comment???" Homare questioned

"Its snowflakes like you who are ruining this great country of America! Guns protect us we just need to put them with the right people!!" Tasukus yelled

"We live in Japan." Hisoka stated as he entered the room.

"HOW DID YOU GET HERE???" Homare shrieked

"Misumi carried me" Hisoka shrugged "Anyways im tired" Hisoka quickly passed out right ontop of the table, the weight of his body making one of the legs snap breaking the table all together.

"You liberals never wanna deabate." Tasuku angrily grimaced

"Ara ara, we can debate later right now we have to take care of this."

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