Chapter 1-

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William's pov-

I didn't like him at first...he came trudging through my office like he owned the place. He couldn't even wear his uniform properly. I gave him his paperwork and he amused me, he made me a lovely cup of tea but he tripped and spilt it all over himself as per usual. I will never forget the moment he told me the truth and melted into a puddle in my office.

Grell's POV-
Let me go back to the beginning of the story... it was the first day of my first job, I was preparing; I decided to wear my long silky red hair up in a bun and best outfit-skin tight leather trousers with a red and white candy top. On my feet I wore my highest heels; black and six inch. I left my house half an hour  late (I'd been sharing in the mirror). I signed in on the checklist then I stared at the clipboard ... I didn't know what to do . The cold heavy doors looked at me disgusted - I knew I was late, suspense filled my body and my shoulders shook. I took a moment to get my confidence back, I exhaled slowly, steadily. I grasped the nob, with a harsh expression I opened the door. The room was bright, the blinds were partly open to let Just enough light into the room. There he was my new boss sitting in his spiny chair. He turned round and OH MY! Everything went white and my life flashed before me.. was I dead? He was an angel. I stared at him endlessly.

Wills pov-

I woke up one morning realising that I needed an assistant (since I'm sick of overtime) so I made an advertisement. I had so many applicants so the next day I held auditions. I woke up got out of bed and had my morning cup of tea which tasted bitter. Today is going to be a strange day. I put on my jacket,shirt and bow tie- this made me feel much better, I love looking smart! I put on my glasses, read the news and headed to work. My work room was cold and dark- just how I liked it. I got through the auditions and I had no luck- no one fit the brief. I sat at the desk piled in paperwork. I heard a noise so I turned to my window. The door nob rattled and in came a rather strange figure, he was tall and mysterious.
"Oh sorry I'm late" he boomed, I turned my head in attention. Looking at him I couldn't see anything impressive, but there was something interesting about a man who wears heels. He appeared to be a diva, I could tell by looking at him that he looks in the mirror  for hours and is arrogant. I questioned wether this spicy character would make a good assistant, training could go one of many ways; either he picks up everything quickly like a School student or he becomes a complete disaster like a cow learning to walk. I exhaled allowing the gusty storm clouds to leave my mouth, I decided to take a chance on this clueless red head. "Your gonna have an interview now" I said pushing my spectacles back up my nose.

Grell pov-
He pushed his glasses up onto his face and told me I'd gotten an interview, a sneaky smile spread across my face as we walked towards a pair of matching chairs that looked like their from a TV show. "Let the interview begin" he said as we sat down in sync.
"I'm now going to ask you a few questions" he spoke as he grabbed a notebook and pen. "
"Name and past jobs" this instant question made me blush since this was the first job I've ever applied for. The cogs inside my head were turning as I thought of a reasonable answer ... he was so cool, I mean I don't want to look silly in front of him or let him know that I'm young and stupid.
"My name is Grell but you can call me G" I said confidently winking at him and blowing a kiss. He gave me the cold shoulder, said nothing and continued to write in this little notebook. I lower my eyes in Shame as I was about to tell the man of my dreams the truth.
"Well" he said judgementally his eyebrow raised.

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