Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

Arnav looked at the old man with salt and pepper hair. He looked at Arnav and waited patiently for him to continue speaking. It was then that Arnav saw the need to continue before the man decides to close the door again.

>>I am here to talk about my wife Khushi.<<

The man didn't hide his surprise and he also didn't hide how nervous he suddenly became. He looked to the left and then to the right.

>>Is she ok?<<

Arnav answered instantly.

>> Yes, yes. She is ok. Can I talk to you? I have some questions.<<

The man opened the door wider and let him in. At the moment Arnav entered the small house, he saw many pots and vessels. The room wasn't too small but the number of them make the place smaller as it seemed to be. Some of them were hanging on the wall, some were laying down on the floor. Arnav has already known what profession he had from the source of his brother, so he wasn't much surprised about the state of his home.

>>So what do you want to know about her?<<

Arnav turned around and asked his big question.

>>What happened to Khushi three years ago?<<

The man wrinkled his forehead and spoke.

>>First tell me how she is. Is she ok? Does she speak?<<

Arnav shook his head lightly, trying hard to suppress all memories that came back to his mind.

>>She is ok, but she doesn't speak. That's why I am here. I need to find out to understand her better. I need to find out what happened to her family.<<

Harry Prakash sat down and signaled Arnav to sit down too. He followed his orders and took place on one chair which was free. Harry Prakash started telling Khushi's story.

>>I have known Khushi since Shashi brought her into his house. He found her on the street all alone at the age of five. She was the sweetest girl in the whole street, following Shashi with every step. His wife wasn't happy about Khushi being brought to their home, but she kept silent in front of Shashi.<<

>>Through the years I've watched them. I have been working and sleeping here and my house is close to theirs. When Khushi came, my wife was alive and I know how often she watched Khushi and wished she was ours. She told me how a good-hearted little child Khushi was and how much she wished to have a child like her.<<

Harry Prakash's face turned sad.

>>Few months later my wife left me. She became ill and died. I often thought of leaving this town and going to my brother, but to do this step I wasn't brave enough. It felt wrong to leave the place that my wife and I have built together, so I stayed.<<

Arnav listened carefully. He sucked everything like a sponge.

>>I saw how Khushi grew up and became a beautiful young woman. Many guys from our street wanted to marry her, but Garima refused to give her hand for marriage first. She wanted Payal to marry first and she said all families to stay away if they were not interested in her firstborn Payal.<<

>>Few days before that horrible day which changed her to the lifeless shell, I saw her going out in the morning and coming back late in the evening. I thought Khushi found a job and that's why she was coming so late, but I was totally wrong.<<

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