Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

After Khushi made her claim over Arnav, the air around them was calm. There was no fear or excitement. Just calmness that seemed to control their actions.

Khushi wasn't unsure about her next steps. She learned to take what she wanted and fight for herself. Still, her claim wasn't mentioned again and both didn't repeat the day Khushi took the things into her hand. Instead they lived their life and took every situation as it came.

Arnav and Khushi stayed in Delhi till the day came Khushi decided to go back to Lucknow. Arnav was so heartbroken, but didn't say one word to Khushi because he knew this was unavoidable. With tears in his eyes he watched Khushi packing her bags, every movement like a stab in his heart.

He thought about the possibility how to escape the pain of the separation, now that he gave his promise to Khushi that he would never drink again. It wasn't hard for Arnav to stop drinking, once the alcohol was out of his system. He didn't even feel the need to do something to end his useless life, as long Khushi was with him. Everyday she remained staying with him, he saw how good she was and how less he deserved her to be on his side.

And still, Arnav enjoyed her near him, even he knew, the time was ticking. Every second, minute, hour, bringing him closer to losing her.

On the day Khushi opened about her decision of going back to Lucknow, he felt his heart breaking again. Arnav knew what waited for him, would be only darkness which will fill his days, as soon as Khushi walked through the door.

All what was left till the final separation, were the last few moments watching her packing her clothes.

Arnav wanted to ask Khushi if she needed his help, but he knew everything he did, would shorten his time with her, so he continue to watch Khushi packing the few stuff inside her bag.

In the moment she told him to pack his clothes too, Arnav felt his heart skipped the beat. First he thought, he imagined everything, or dreamed, but when Khushi talked with him again and even took his clothes out of the wardrobe, Arnav knew she was serious.

He wanted so much to accept this luck. Accept Khushi's kindness, but it was hard. Arnav knew he didn't deserve any of this. He didn't deserve such an angel as Khushi on his side.

And still, he followed her. While they flew to Lucknow, Arnav held Khushi's hand, being afraid that she would suddenly disappear and leave him back alone. He even held her hand when they walked through the door of his uncles house.

He held Khushi's hand when his aunt Manorama broke down, his sister cried like a small girl in his arms and Lavanya stood in front of him with tears in her eyes and smile on her lips.

Uncle Mahendra, Akash and Shyam tried to relax him, but he held Khushi's hand like his life depended on her and somehow it was true.

His life did depend on his Khushi.


The first days were like a dream. Arnav slept in the same room like Khushi. His old room. He liked what she did to the place. She didn't remove his bed but add some decorations that showed her female touch.

When they put the clothes inside the wardrobe, he couldn't resist to press her and his hanging clothes together. Khushi stood next to him and smiled shyly. Thank God, she didn't mention how weird his action was. Or called him creep. Instead she put the rest of his clothes inside drawers and make sure, they touched each other too.

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