Chapter 8: Stanley's P. O. V ( point of view)

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Why did I kiss her? I wondered. Ahh! I'm so mad at myself right now. I wouldn't have introduced Duke to her if I knew they would hit it off right there. Since when did I become this jealous over a girl? Stanley, keep yourself in check. I am the women's magnet. Every one wants to have me. But, Ria is different. She's not like everyone else and I guess that's the problem. She's like a challenge to me and everyone around me knows how I love challenges. This is the same girl my best friend called me to talk about for hours on end. If I hadn't stopped him, he was going to propose to her after meeting her for just a day. I remember his words clearly : it takes a second to fall in love. Can you imagine that. A girl I have been wanting to be with since the very moment I saw her! Why must he always pry the meat from my hands when its always about to enter my mouth? He isn't even aware he was a factor in my break up with Juliet. She was borderline obsessed with him. Even when we have planned to spend some quality time together, she will always find a way of bringing him into our conversations. Am I not that good of a man? After my date with a girl whose name I can't even remember and I seriously don't even care about that, I couldn't get Ria out of my mind. I agree kissing her was way out of line but I just couldn't resist her plump lips. That dress she wore and the weave made her look extra nice. She didn't even realize how some men stared at her like a prey in the restaurant. What am I even going to tell Duke? Do I need to tell him about it, even? I must say, that kiss, no matter how short it was stirred up emotions in me. The feeling descended deep down into the left ventricle of my heart where I had kept the key to my emotions. I let jealousy rule my thoughts. What even broke the hunch on the camel's back was when she couldn't stop smiling like a sheep obediently following its master to the slaughter house just because she was chatting with Duke. I kept banging my head on my table in confusion. What do I do with this feelings? I walked towards the window and opened my blinds to allow fresh air into the room. I was about to turnback when I saw her heading towards the main exit. She looked like she was leaving for home. I quickly grabbed my car keys and dashed out. I needed to apologize to her.
"Ria, Ria", I called after but there was no response. I thought she had not heard me until she quickened her steps indicating that she was really ignoring me. Well, just like her, I'm not someone who gives up easily. until I have tried to do something, I don't say its impossible. I turned my ignition on and drove off in pursuit of her. As I exited the main entrance, I saw her by the roadside probably waiting for a public transport.
"Let me drop you off home so we can talk please. I'm sorry I did this to you", I pleaded.
It took a lot of coaxing before she agreed to allow me drop her off. She was silent the whole ride until I took a wrong turn at about 5km from her home.
"You are going the wrong way" she commented.

I am very much aware, I want to speak to you about some few things. I don't want to do that in a public place. There's a beach right around the corner here. People shouldn't be many there at the moment. I believe I owe you an apology.
She just scoffed and didn't even reply.
We got to the beach and like I anticipated, the place was almost empty except for some few workers and fishermen scattered here and there. I didn't even know how to begin.
"Why did you do it'?, she asked with a tear stained face.
At this point I didn't understand why a grown up girl should weep over the fact that she was kissed by someone without her consent. Anyway, in response to her question, I informed her about how I was developing feelings for her and how jealousy informed the bad decision I made. I really did apologize like I had never done before.
You are different from all other girls. Do you know that? I guess that was what made me catch feelings for you. But I'm very much aware this is a one-sided feeling. I'm so ashamed at myself. How did you even manage to break down my walls without me realizing? You are such a special girl. You will make a good partner for whoever you date.

"Wow, stop beating yourself up about it. I guess i t was immature on my part to cry. Hahaha. But you took my first kiss. That hurts. I'm such a hopeless romantic so I wanted it to be with someone special, preferably my husband even. But its alright even though I'm not happy with you. I'm guessing you haven't been picking me up for work because you realized you had feelings for me right"? , she asked.

Yes, kind of. I wanted to distance myself from you for a while in order to see if the feelings will go away, but as you can see it didn't. But I respect the fact that you won't be able to reciprocate it. So I'm going to try my best and get over it. Probably its because its been long since I really gave anyone a chance after what happened with Juliet. I'm sorry once again.

"I'm even amazed at how much you have opened up to me today. I'm shocked that I don't even know what to say. But give love another chance I'm sure you will find someone. I forgive you, we can still be friends but I'm sorry to say that I won't be riding in your car for sometime. No offense though", she replied

"None taken dearie". One more thing...
His pager beeps ... Ping! Ping!Ping!
sorry I have to take this.

Ria, I'm sorry I have to get back to work. I totally forgot I had an appointment with a client. You know how you women are. Let me drop you off at your junction for the last time my lady.
As I drove her back, I couldn't help but recall a favorite saying of my boys back in Koforidua Sec. Tech. :" if you can't beat them, just join them". How true and beneficial those words are!
Bye! and I owe you waakye on monday, I said as she alighted.

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