The First Date

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0;[(I have decided to go on a small writing break recently. This will allow me to compile ideas and take input from you guys. I want to be able to make good quality content for you guys, without feeling rushed to do so. I hope you all can understand. Thank you for the support and constant love. Please let me know if you have any ideas for this fic. This chapter is based on the first date with Harry after the release party. Be back soon xx.)

Harry opens the door to the movie theater, allowing me to go in before him. He walks to the counter and orders two tickets for (some random movie of your choosing). After getting the tickets, we then make our way to the concession counter. We each order a drink, and a decent sized popcorn to share. He grabs some straws as I move over to the end of the counter to grab some napkins. Looking back over near the entrance of the door, I notice four strange people looking at Harry and I. "You alright love?", Harry asks me. Instead of making a problem, I decide to nod and follow him to our theater. 

We luckily find some seats, to our surprise the theater is pretty empty besides maybe ten more people. Suspicion grows on me when the four people from earlier sit a few seats over from us. Harry looks over at them, "Is that the problem from earlier?", he asks me.  I nod before speaking, "I don't know who they are, but they stared at us earlier.". He tells me that they are probably just fans, and we should just try to enjoy ourselves. Harry and I then share a small kiss, but it is soon interrupted by a cough. The movie then starts and the theater grows silent. 

Halfway through the movie, I get an overwhelming need to go to the bathroom. I excuse myself and make my way back to the main lobby of the theater. After exiting the bathroom, a weird feeling takes over me. I look around and notice one of the familiar figures from earlier. For a few seconds, I observer the random hair, which almost looks like a wig on top of their head. I also take note of the strange clothing choice that they have, the clothes just don't seem to go together.  I make my way over to them, preparing myself for a awkward conversation. "Uhm, hi." I begin talking, "Listen I understand that you are probably a Directioner, but could you let Harry and I have our date in peace?', I kindly ask to the person. They just nod, and worry grows at a increasingly speed on their face. Before they can make their way back to the theater, I grab the wig and glasses off of them. My eyes widen to the surprise in front of me, the figure was Louis. 

Him and I then sit on a random bench in the lobby, I try to come up with words, but its hard to even know how I am feeling. "How could you guys?', I ask him sadly. He rubs his face before speaking, "Niall wanted to come, and then we all came up with this idea. We just wanted to make sure you two stayed safe.". I groan, they don't even trust either of us. I soon get a text from Harry, its him asking if everything was okay. I message back a quick yes, and decide to go back to the theater. 

"There you are, I was getting worried about you...are you okay?", he asks as I sit down. "They're here.", I simply state to him. Confusion grows on his face as he tries to process my statement. "You mean, they as in 'them'.", he asks causing me to nod my head. He then stands up quickly and grabs my hand, dragging me out of the theater. We head towards the vehicle we came in, before a voice yells out to us. 

"Y/N, Harry, wait!", my brother shouts out to us. Him and the other three make their way next to us. They all have looks of shame on their faces. "Niall," I begin, "why would you do this to me? To us?". He starts to give excuses about how he was just protecting me. After a few minutes Harry speaks up, "Y/N would you like to just drive around and spend time with each other?". I look at the group, then back at Harry. "You know what Harry? I would love to.", I respond back. We get into the car, leaving the four boys behind us, and try to enjoy the rest of our night together.

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