Chapter 3. Heartbeats

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A/N - Eeeew, I know... >w<!
Sorry for their being no Updates!
We have both been very busy and since this is just a side hobby project it got left to be done last!
But I love this story, so here we are! <3
I apologize this one might be a bit more "raw" and unrefined, but I wanted to be sure to push it out for you guys so you wouldn't be waiting any longer!

Jake barely noticed that his heartbeat was skipping faster. He frowned, now getting annoyed at himself... He couldn't focus on a gen if this was going to be... a probl- He stopped short as it got louder, thumping in his chest harder. He saw Claudette back away and he realized it wasn't just him.

'Shit! We don't know who the Killer is or if Basement is here. Fuck... Fuck!' Without thinking, the young male grabbed his Toolbox in one hand and snatched Claudette's hand in the other.

His gloved hand gripping her smaller one tightly, Jake quickly made to power-walk out of the building and towards some broken down brick walls just nearby. He hoped like hell they got away in time and the Killer didn't notice what way they went...

Detty PoV
Claudette felt her face grow warmer with her hand suddenly being held onto by Jake's... he had a bigger, much stronger hand than hers, making her feel small in comparison. She squeaked lightly as she was pulled away from gen, and thus the Killer, who she happened to catch a small glimps of- The Spirit. She walked in and hit the gen before quickly checking the area, then phase-walked away, probably back to another gen... Claudette felt her breathing grow hitched from the sudden horror.

"I-I think she's gone..." she timidly spoke.

Jake PoV
Jake watched the Spirit, Rin, smack the gen with the end of her katana.
He noticed her standing still.

'phasing...' he thought, and listened closely.

There was no whispering, no sounds of broken glass... so she went back to patrolling the other parts of the area. She hadn't seen them.

"I-I think she's gone..." Jake almost jumped as Claudette spoke, though he did tense.

"Yea... lets hurry back and get that finished before she returns." He paused a moment before moving.

"Actually, you go do the gen. I'm going to make a quick circle around the Ironworks to check for Basement... We don't want to end up down there if she comes back..." And with that, he let go of her hand and sprinted to the building, crouching and using the Urban Evasion he learned from Nea to move extra quick while staying down and keeping a low profile.

He turned the corner where the stairs led up to the catwalks way above them, hearing the metal creak and groan. The scraping of metal against metal made his ears hurt, it was annoyingly loud and it echoed in this "abandoned" place. Turning around the stairs, Jake's heart dropped.

'It is here... We have to finish that gen and get out. Quickly.' He stood, not paying attention to the fact that he was right in the open doorway of the factory and started to walk back to the gen...
His heart rate picking up again... from nerves... or the Killer?

Detty PoV
Claudette nodded towards his directions, but somewhat frowned when he let go of her, now having her hand hold emptiness... Jake set off towards the basement as Claudette watched as he left before shaking the sudden butterflies away. She nodded in determination and returned to the generator.

After a short minute or so, Claudette finally popped the gen, wiping the sweat from her forehead, the feeling of relief not yet coming towards her, no- she heard phasing.

Before she could react, the blue ghostly killer had phased to her, making Claudette's adrenaline peak, using her Sprint Burst but still getting slashed on the back, making her scream in pain as she bolted forward with a boost. She couldn't feel the hot blood run from her wound, she was too busy trying to think of where to loop. She was vaulting, hearing the spirit BARELY miss behind her, making Claudette's heart beat irregularly fast.

Jake PoV
Jake froze, he heard the whispering, the faint sound of glass shards being broken and ground together. He could swear he felt the Spirit walk past him, making his blood run cold.

'Thank the Entity she can't actually see us when she does that...' He thought, rather grim.

He jerked his head to the side and his heart dropped as the Ironwork's gen went off, followed by a bloodcurdling scream of pain.

"Shit... Not good!" Jake muttered under his breath.

If it had been any other Survivor. Any other Trial... He would have walked away. He wasn't the overly altruistic type. Yet... He found his feet flying as he sprinted after Claudette, following her blood...

Detty PoV
Claudette knew she fucked up, looping an area incorrectly- mistakes being cause for death in this realm, this being an example of that. Though, she wasn't dead.. at least yet. She fast vaulted, hearing the Spirit slash at her, and actually downing her, making Claudette slam against the harsh ground, whimpering as the pain started to settle in. Spirit walked over to Claudette and picked her up, making Claudette yelp, feeling the shards from the spirit's shoulder dig into her skin causing an agonizing pain. She was carried a short distance, before being thrown up onto a hook, adding to the pain and causing her to shriek.

Jake PoV
Jake caught up just as the Spirit downed the girl. A cry of pain coming from her as she hit the ground. He winced, clutching the handle of his Tooldbox in anger as Rin moved to swiftly pick up Claudette and throw her on a nearby Hook. Jake glared daggers into the Spirit's back.

'If there was just a few more feet.. I could have gotten that damn hook... If I had just gotten here faster...' He shook his head.

No time for thoughts like that- Rin had phase-walked away but could be in the proximity, waiting... He had to move fast. Jake sprinted to the hook, his eyes softening as he saw Claudette hanging there. That filthy hook sticking out from under her shoulder... blood slowly dripping and pooling under her from the two sword slashes, as well.

"I got you, Detty..." Jake whisper shouted through clenched teeth.

He was strong, and she was small, so getting her off the hook was simple. As soon as her feet were on the ground he tugged at her hand gently.

"Lets not heal under hook. There's a decent brick rubble just over here..." He winced again at seeing her pain, his heart stinging as well.

'Why is this so much more uncomfortable than usual?' He tried to understand his feelings.

She was just his friend, right? So why was everything so awkward all of a sudden? Why did it hurt him to see her in pain? He kept his eyes downcast as he led the way towards the brick walls, barely noticing as two more gens went off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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