Chapter 16~ The Funeral

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I opened the door, but it wasn't Jazmine...

Y/n's POV
The police were outside of my door. I went outside and shut the door behind me.

Police: Were you friends with Jazmine and is this where she lived?

Y/n: Uh yea. Why? What happened?

Jabez came out and I was kind of happy he did. He held my hand.

Police: Jazmine was in an accident with another person named Alex, who was the driver.

Everything started to get blurry and it started to feel like all of this was one big dream. It was getting hot. I was getting dizzy.

Y/n: What?

Jabez: Are they ok?

Police: I'm sorry, but Jazmine didn't make it.

That's when everything went black.

Alex's POV
I slowly started to open my eyes and I looked to make sure Jazmine was ok. She had a whole branch through her. It was horrific. I started busting out in tears and a hole just formed in my heart. The love of my life was gone. She was there smiling, then she wasn't.

Jabez's POV

I took y/n to the hospital just to make sure she was ok. The doctor came back and said she was fine. Then I had to talk to the police.

Police: When was the last time you saw Jazmine?

Jabez: A few days ago.

Police: Do you know who she was with tonight?

Jabez: Her boyfriend, my friend Alex. Is Alex ok?

Police: He's fine just a few bruises and scratches.

Jabez: Ok. How did Jazmine die?

Police: She had a tree branch through her. I'm so sorry.

Jabez: Do you know who hit them?

Police: All we know is it might have been a drunk trucker. It was a hit and run.

Right then rage went all throughout my whole body. My jaw clenched. I balled my fist up. Tears started to form in my eyes.

Police: Who was Jazmine to you?

Jabez: She- She was my friend. My girlfriend's best friend.

Police: Ok. Thank you that's all. You can go now.

Jabez: Ok.

I left.

Y/n's POV
I slowly started opening my eyes. Everything was white and blurry. There was someone sitting in a chair and someone standing by me.

Y/n: Wh- where am I?

Jabez: Omg your finally awake.

Nurse: I'll give you two some time.

Jabez: Your in the hospital.

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