Memories (Chapter 6)

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A/N: I am SO sorry that this is late. I've been on a backpacking trip for the past 3 days and just got back. So here's the next part! Also there's a little bit of a time skip between this chapter and the last, so be prepared.

Warning: Mention of rape.

Anything in bold and italic is Kara's thoughts.

(Kara's POV)

It's been three months since I found my parents and caused the international incident. Nothing's really happened between then and now. I've gotten close to Mom, and have almost called her mom a few times but caught myself just in time. I still shy away from Steve, and am not comfortable being in the same room with him, or any man for that matter. Except for Uncle Clint. I have almost called him that also, but again, I haven't yet. And sometimes Fury, but other than that, I still am not comfortable with other men.

~Flashback~                                                                                                                                                                         10 years ago

"Кара, иди сюда!" (Kara, come here!) Madam B yelled.

"приходит мадам Б!" (Coming Madam) I replied.

"Ah, good. You're finally here Кара. There is someone I want you to meet. This is the Winter Soldier. He will be training you for the next month or two. You will do everything he says and you will be his shadow. Do I make myself clear?" Madam B asks.

"Crystal clear мадам Б." 

"Good. You are dismissed."

"Come. We start training today." The Winter Soldier says.


It's been three weeks since Winter, that's what I call him, has started training me. Me! A four year old skinny ass girl, is being trained by one of the worlds most feared assassins.

"Shadow! Come!" Winter beckons.

I nod my head and start walking over.

"For the Past weeks we have been learning about physical strength and mental strength. Now we will start working on physical pain," He holds a whip and I am not showing fear, but am mentally freaking out. 

He grabs my wrists and ties them together. He then proceeds to tie them to a wooden pole. He takes the whip and whips me across the back. He does that over and over and over again. By the time he is done, I am silently sobbing. 

"This will happen again until you can with stand the pain without crying." He says when he's done, and walks out.

~8 years after that~

I'm now 12 years old. The Winter Soldier's training had gone on for about another month after the first whipping, and then suddenly stopped. I now have been called to Madam B's office.

"Kara, this is Lydon Orfeo. He is here to, ah, teach you how to properly seduce any man. Lydon, she's in your hands now." Madam B says.

Lydon smile wickedly and beckons me to a private room at the far back of the Red Room, for reasons I don't know, most likely, yet.

(A couple hours later)

Lydon got up from the bed. He grabs all his clothes and puts them on. 

"I hope you had fun my dear." He says as he walks out of the room.

I most certainly did not! I thought. I take shaky breaths and stand up. Oh great, my everything's sore. I think sarcastically. I grab my clothes and put them back on. I walk back to my private room, thinking about what just happened. I get in and the lady who does my handcuffs, locks them to the bed for the night. Wow, I just endured that and I don't even get any dinner. I then break down crying. No, not crying, sobbing. I'm all of the sudden overwhelmed with everything that has happened to me that I can't breath. I just lost my innocence, at 12! No one should go through that. Not like I did. Those are the last thoughts that run through my mind as I drift to sleep.

~End of flash-back~

I take a deep breath. With all the memories that just resurfaced, ones that I would have preferred stay buried deep, I definitely need one. I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I shout.

My mom opens the door. "Hey, there's someone that your dad and I want you to meet. His name is James Barnes, but he likes to go by Bucky. Would you like to meet him?" She asks.

"Sure." I reply curtly.

The person who walks through my doorway is someone who I had hoped to long forget, along with those horrid memories. The person who walked through my doorway, was the Winter Soldier. That's when the panic set in.

A/N: I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me for doing that! AAAAHHHH!!!! (Me taking shelter as tomatoes are thrown)

Anyway... I will have another chapter out tomorrow or the next day. I'm still taking suggestions for middle names for another character for a different book. I will be taking suggestions until Friday, so if you have a good middle name, please share it! As always, stay safe and stay healthy. Bye!

 Question of the day: Do you even read the A/N's? (Yes that's my actual question of the day)

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