Chapter 3

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When I arrive at the market, the moon is already visible, though a faint glow is all that can be seen through the air pollution. The main market is toward the center of the city, and sells essentials; like water and food, things the government deems worthy (very few useful things), and of course, Euphoria. I head to the main market first to get euphoria, as little as possible, then head to the east toward the outskirts of town. Here what is sold is more illegal than legal, and I go here more often. I am still in the city, not yet in the outskirts, when I hear a voice and stop.

"Did you hear?"

I stop to locate the source of the sound.

A tall, burly, dark haired man says, probably more loudly than intended, to a blonde man. I listen in, trying to remain nonchalant.

"A woman was killed yesterday in quadrant 8. She ripped her euphoria insert out of her head in the middle of their square and yelled that she wouldn't buy any more. Apparently, she was dragged away. No one knows where she is now. People are starting to rise up."

"And you know what that means"

The man looked both grim.

"More will follow."

I suddenly become aware that it is obvious that I am listening to their conversation, and even worse, that I look hopeful. It's not exactly like I want the world in chaos, but hey, I hate the government, so any uprising is good news.

The man stands up, his voice turning threatening.

"Are you a sympathizer? Because you seemed a little too hopeful about an uprising. Is that what you want?."

He stands up and steps toward me, his eyes turning a bright shade of blue. The other man steps behind him, as if this act was rehearsed.

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