Hard day at work LET US PARTY

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Alena Pov -
I looked up at the clock the little hand was moving slow could time take any longer I thought to my self.Just 5 more minutes till break time and I could finally eat my sandwich."Alena once your break is over organize the files okay hun" oh this lady again also my boss who despises the crap out of me " yes maam "

One thing I love about break is getting to talk to other interns John is shy but funny Leliah is a confident girl who is never afraid to say what she feels and then you have Natalia a girl who only got this job because of her parents.

"You will not believe what my mom told me this morning she practicaly wanted to disown me when she saw my second ear piercing" said natalia "well girl I am telling you just tell them what you feel I always have a comfty couch for you if you ever need it" said Leliah.After break I got to organize some files and then Mrs. Blake came in "Alena I would love it if you could help me with a therapy for a couple its really not too complicated do you think you could handle it on your own?" "yes I can Mrs.Blake"

Nervous and Excited for this I got the paper work and studied it.This couple seemed young and I was surprised to see the reason so I got prepared " Hello Mr.Bloom and Mrs.Bloom I will be your therapist for today so I would like an explanation on the situation to get both of you back on track".

Mrs Bloom began and said" This guy thinks that it would be a fab idea to have a gender reveal and I think that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard oh and do not get me started on his toxic family"I knew as soon as she began ranting this could be  difficult than I thought but after a 2 hour talk we finally agreed that the baby will have a small gender reveal and that Mr Blooms family can see the baby on weekends.

"Well I am done for today Mrs.Blake I should get home see you on Monday"Finally I was done looking down at my phone it was 2:00 pm so I decided to go to my sister Victoria and have lunch at her place.

I rang the door bell and my sister opened the door with a bright smile."Hey tori mind if I join you for lunch" "come in I just made some Tacos if you want" "yes pleaseee"

The tacos were great and then I was about to leave when tori told me to wait "So Alena I have a work party You wanna come please Mark is busy tonight so you can go with me"I hate parties and why did her husband have to be busy again ughh."no" my sister then frowned "Come on Alena you have to come to this party all you do is work please" I then thought "No thanks I think I am fine plus last time I went I called a pregnant lady fat I am fine but thanks for the invite"
I said loud and clear but she then went on and on and kept bugging "ugh okay fine I will go " "yay go get dressed pick you up at seven do not take long"

I put on a navy blue blouse and some jeans and my navy blue heels and then I heard my sister honk so I went in her car.The car ride was silent then we went inside the gorgeous house.I felt like I did not belong all these people are smarter than me so I decided to go grab some wine and decided on red wine.I then decided what would be the harm in exploring some of the house right.I went into what I think is the master bedroom looking and admiring this whole room cost more than anything I have.I turned and walked out on my way to the party room I bumped into a hard chest and my glass with wine fell on a guy as I looked up I saw him he had hazelnut eyes silky black hair and as soon as I saw what happened I Said sorry."Oh my bad I am so sorry I can buy you a new shirt." He looked at me he looked mad but took three deep breaths and said " It is fine Just watch where you are going" I nodded this guy was intimidating and tall might I add.

My sister and I left after and I asked her who he is " Hey tori who is that guy who has like hazel eyes tall kinda almost blew a fuze""oh well his name is  Santiago Diem he works at the hospital with me and he is the owner of the house why you asking" " oh just because "  "Great because he is coming over for my anniversary party " I was surprised I was going to see this guy again oh god I thought that was it but no lets hope things go good.

This Is My First Chapter Hope You Enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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